She wanted him naked. On her. In her. Filling her up.

In no time, he’d removed his boots, socks, and jeans. She examined him openly, not shy about noting details while she gripped the cushions beside her thighs. His lean, cut hips drew her attention the longest, until she sucked in a breath and veered lower to his navy boxer briefs and the colorful snake tattoo peeking out under the band around his left thigh.

The laugh spilled out of her, though she cupped a hand over her mouth to try to hold it in. “Very…colorful.”

“Thanks. My friend Jerry owns a shop, and I was his test subject. The wings on my arm were first. The skull next. After he did the snake, I said enough was enough. Last thing he did was pierce my eyebrow.”

He hooked his thumbs in his boxers and dragged them down his muscular legs. Then she wasn’t looking at his tattoos anymore, but somewhere decidedly more personal. His cock was firm and full and crowned with a dab of wetness she yearned to taste.

With the fan streaming warm air over her back and the subtle notes of the saxophone drifting through the window, the whole moment felt surreal. Any time now she’d wake up alone on her air mattress with her hand caught between her legs, the victim of yet another cruel wet dream. She’d had way too many this week. And now he was here in the flesh, and she couldn’t seem to drag enough air into her lungs to compensate for the way he made her ache.

The sticky summer air had already added a fine mist of perspiration on her skin. She rubbed her hand down her throat. “Very hot.”

He grazed her jaw with his fingertips. “I have to agree,” he said, his stare lingering on her face before traveling determinedly downward, causing a swell of sensation between her legs. She was throbbing for him already.

“I meant you. The piercing especially.” She rose onto her knees to caress the copper ring, then let her hand wander up to his scalp. His short-short hair made her palm tingle and she whimpered when he nibbled her inner arm. Tenderly. His warm, wet lips on her skin prodded her to the flashpoint in an instant, and an answering surge of arousal dampened her inner thighs.

“I want to see yours.”

“My piercing?” Playfully she unclipped her hair. “On my earlobes?”

“Do you have any others?”

“Like where? Navel? Nipples?” His eyes slitted and she tilted her head. “Clit maybe?”

“You don’t have any of those,” he gritted out.

“No. But never say never.”

“Right now I’ll settle for these beautiful earlobes.” He manipulated the diamond stud she wore, somehow nudging her closer to the edge with just the brush of his callused fingertip. “I intend to suck on them for a while. Before I suck on the rest of you.”

His smoky, provocative voice rose above the music filling her head. The beat had changed into something more sexual and primitive. Its bass line pounded inside her, pulling her into a subtle sway she didn’t fight.

Her fingers itched to wander over his body, to explore every nook and cranny. “I like your body.” Boldly, she lifted her eyes to his. “I want you.”

“Almost as much as I want you.” He spread her arms to her sides and drew her up until they were standing together, her fully clothed, him fully undressed. She was still moving to the music, letting the rhythm carry her, and he soon picked it up, his hips subtly rocking into hers. Slowly. The ache in her center spread, tendrils of lust creeping outward until her body quaked.

“I love that you dance so easily. You did on the roof too. Just shimmied a little, enough to make me crazy.”

“I have music in my soul.” Though she’d said it to make him grin, she didn’t check to see if he did. She had a whole new preoccupation and it was way below his face.

She looked down at the swollen length trapped between them and wetted her lips. He must’ve read the intention in her gaze because he chuckled and possessively palmed her ass in her clingy boy shorts, keeping her upright when she would’ve gone to her knees.

“Your tattoo,” he said against her temple. “Give me a hint.”

She turned to face away from him, wanting to prolong their teasing as long as possible. The long, anticipatory slide into sex was her favorite part. The other night they’d gone at each other like animals, but tonight was different. From the sax music, to their languorous movements, to the longing that flowed like honey between them, this was all about easing into seduction. And savoring every second.

“Any guesses where it might be?” she asked huskily.

He linked his arms around her waist and nuzzled her hair, his cock leaving a solid imprint on her ass. “Your shoulder blade?”

“Try again.”

His mouth settled on the back of her neck and he branded her skin with blazing hot kisses. “Your hip?” His hand trailed a path from one hip bone to the other, making a lengthy pit stop on her mound in between. Taunting her with the placement of his fingers. So close, but so far. He rocked into her again, picking up the thread of the new song that reverberated through the floorboards. “Your ass?”

She laughed. “No.”

“Your thigh? Your stomach? God, your inner arm?” He touched every part of her as he named it, his growing impatience—and growing erection—making her want to giggle. And squirm.