“No,” he repeated. He nuzzled her shoulder while he lowered his hand to her breast, still distended over her shirt. The beaded nipple pressed into his palm and he plucked at it, hard; gauging from the noises she made she wanted rough more than soft. Appearances could be deceiving, and this woman who made her living with flowers seemed to crave the dark and lewd with the same ferociousness he did. As she proved when he flicked her clit and she nearly went off, her body lunging forward until she banged her forehead against the door.

“You want it?” he grated against her cheek.

He wanted her to beg, to say it in no uncertain terms. She didn’t give in. But her drenched, throbbing flesh told him, especially when he released her breast to fumble in his back pocket for his wallet. She grew wetter, more pliant. More ready for him to take what she so eagerly gave.

She snatched his wallet and searched through it in silence, her heavy breaths the only sign she ached as much as he did. His fingers picked up their pace inside her as she ripped the foil packet between her teeth, then passed it back with an accompanying proprietary stroke. His neglected cock jumped and she let out a throaty laugh, the sound of a woman who knew she had him under her spell. “Guess you want it?”

“You know I do.” He couldn’t help his growl, any more than he could stop himself from yanking down his jeans and boxers so he could torture her with a little skin-on-skin contact before he suited up. She slicked her hand up and down, coasting on the trickle of arousal that slipped free. Under her touch it multiplied, until he had to drop his head back and stare up at the seething gray sky.

If he’d had the energy to look around, he would’ve seen the world stretched out around them. Twinkling lights. Shadowy trees and hills. Buildings rising up out of the ground. As close as they seemed from up here, they might as well have been a million miles away from the web they’d spun around themselves, binding them together in the dark.

He twisted his fingers free of her snug heat and used the wet to outline her lips. She didn’t balk, and instead darted out her tongue to sample what he’d left behind.

“Goddamn, woman.”

She taunted him

with a wiggle of her ass. “Fuck me already.”

With one pull, he had her shorts and panties down, baring her pale cheeks to his hungry gaze. He wanted to see more of her. Everything. Right now he’d have to settle for feeling her, inch by inch.

He jerked on the condom with shaking fingers and stilled her sensuous movements with a shallow thrust before he pulled out and left her wanting. Then again and again, going slightly deeper, just enough to earn her ragged breaths and the pinch of her nails into his ass.

God, what he wouldn’t give to feel that bite of pain down his back as she hauled him into her sweet, slick sex. From this position she couldn’t do much more than slam him into her, which was the exact opposite of what he wanted. She wouldn’t control this pace. She wouldn’t rule his body as she’d already taken over his head, filling him with her so that he breathed her in every time their bodies merged.

If he went faster, if he yielded to the demands of his own longing, this would be over. A night that wasn’t. A memory he refused to put on the shelf until he’d wrung it dry.

But his hips picked up the beat anyway, lunging into her while she opened herself to him and let him take. She massaged him from inside, her walls clasping him in a spasm that pulsated all the way from the head of his dick to the soles of his feet.

“Harder.” She rocked into him, her head bouncing against his shoulder. Her pale breast bobbing like a buoy in the boiling ocean that surrounded them. “I want it.”

His cock took up the charge without his help, surging into the searing clasp of her body in a ceaseless rhythm. He bruised her with his punishing hold, deliberately testing her limits, and she only grew more slippery and hot. Trying to corral her desire was like tossing a Molotov cocktail into a forest.

Once more he pulled back in a futile attempt to prolong the inevitable, but she gripped him deep and tight, ripping a shout from him when the first gush of her release took him under. Her orgasm rippled all the way through him, as strong as the lash of rain against his back and neck. He drove into her over and over, his climax firing pinwheels of light behind his closed lids. An explosion of white-hot energy, unleashed.

His breaths sawed in and out of his parted lips and he mumbled against her hair, breathing in its fragrant lavender scent before he gave into a moment of blissed-out exhaustion.

She trembled in his arms, around him. Reminding him they lolled against a door that could open at any time, on top of a public building.

A building he owned.


He cocked open one eye and blinked as it stayed dry. The rain had let up while they’d been plastered together. “Hmm?”

She shot him a grin over her shoulder. “So, was it good for you?”

He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. Probably not the usual gesture after rough door sex, but it fit. “Try spectacular.”

“Did you see lightning?”

“Affirmative.” He looked up and noted the clearing skies. A slice of moon peeked through the gap in the clouds and he couldn’t stop the grin that crossed his face. “It even stopped raining.”

“It was raining?”

Laughing, he pressed a rueful kiss to her shoulder and eased out of her. That she made a weak sound of protest went a long way to making him feel better about leaving the silken fist of her body. He wasn’t the only one who hated to see this end.

Even if it never should’ve happened in the first place.