“Let me know when you want me at the house.” He nearly groaned at the sound of the door across the hall opening and shutting with a slam. Cory on his way out, no doubt, which meant there’d be no cornering him about Alexa today. “I’ll be there.”

“I will, just as soon as we wrangle up that workaholic brother of yours.” She stepped back and patted his cheek. “I love you, Dill. You’ll always be my baby boy.”

Though the back of his neck prickled uncomfortably with embarrassment, her words settled in his chest. There it was, the acceptance he’d always sought. All he had to do was figure out how to take it.

“Love you, too.” He kissed her cheek and headed for the door. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Don’t forget your part,” she called.

His mind shot back to Alexa. She and her business were in serious trouble, and he wanted to help her. Hell, he wanted her, period, more than he’d counted on when she’d knocked on the door of the Kelly apartment. Much more than he had any woman in too long to remember.

Change was coming. Time to seize the day, and everything that came with it.

“Think I may have to head out to Renault for it, actually.” He smiled and shut the door behind him.

“Are you going to stop stabbing that steak and actually eat some of it?”

Alexa glanced up at her best friend Nellie’s question. “I’m tenderizing it,” she said, setting down her fork to reach for her iced tea.

Considering Nellie had said dinner was her treat, she didn’t want to seem ungrateful. She also hadn’t had steak in months and probably wouldn’t again for just as long. Too bad her appetite waxed and waned like the phases of the moon these days.

“You’re bummed about selling the house, huh?”

“No.” Alexa went back to her steak, being careful to cut the meat into small slices. She’d underestimated how much nervous energy she had to burn tonight. A lot of that had to do with her studly plumber and her near miss with his delectable lips. Dillon must be one of those moral can’t kiss during the first home improvement project types. “My decision to sell was the right one. I know my new place will be awesome after I do some decorating.”

Once the imminent flood threat is gone…

Nellie frowned and leaned forward, stopping short when her oversized belly bumped the edge of the table. “Still not used to this,” she muttered, rubbing her stomach.

Alexa laughed. “You’ve only been pregnant for five months now. Why would you be used to it yet?”

“Funny. It changes your center of balance or something. I keep thinking I’m smaller than I am.” She shrugged, but it didn’t diminish her beaming smile.

Everyone in the world, it seemed, was happy. Alexa’s older brother, Jake, certainly was, with his and Nellie’s little girl on the way. They’d settled into domestic bliss with a suddenness Alexa still wasn’t sure she’d caught up to. She was thrilled for them, of course, but she couldn’t help looking around her world sometimes and wondering when it had tilted off its axis.

Less than two years ago she and Nellie had been single, freewheeling women, only planning as far as the next Friday night. Then Nellie and Jake had gotten married. Shortly thereafter, Roz Keller, Alexa’s boss, mentor, and the woman who’d owned Divine for twenty years, died. And she’d left the shop—and all its overdue bills—to Alexa.

Overnight, she’d gone from a flower designer to a business owner. That it had happened at the height of the recession hadn’t helped. While her brother and Nellie were building their love nest outside of town, she’d been delving into the books and discovering exactly how much Roz had hidden behind comforting pats on the back when Alexa voiced concerns about the drop-off in customers.

As fast she could say financial ruin, Alexa’s former champagne taste had morphed into a miserly dedication to pinching pennies. Now she funneled all her extra money into the shop. Luckily she already had a great wardrobe. Outwardly she still looked every bit the confident, successful young businesswoman.

Inside, however, she was shaking in her fancy lingerie.

“Lex?” Nellie reached out to grip Alexa’s wrist. “Honey, are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” She would be. The first step in achieving that would be to get her mind off her problems, especially the ones she’d already made a plan to fix.

“Are you sure? If you want to talk, I’m happy to listen. I won’t even interrupt.” The corner of Nellie’s mouth lifted. “Much.”

“I’m good, thanks.” Okay, not really. But at least there had been one notable bright spot to her day, and he was over six feet tall and boasted enough muscles to feed her most lurid fantasies for months.

“Okay, fine.” Nellie let out an exaggerated sigh. “Then tell me what’s new with you.”

Alexa swallowed a bite of fluffy mashed potatoes and decided she might as well get some entertainment out of the day’s events. “I almost kissed my plumber. Or he almost kissed me. Not really sure.”

Nellie coughed and set down her heaping forkful of macaroni and cheese. “Excuse me?”