A long moment passed before he cleared his throat and asked, “Are those used during the revelry or the sex?”


His trademark grin made her hand falter, but she quickly took up the beat again.

“Wow, I think your New Year’s celebrations have been way more fun than mine.” He stepped toward her, erasing the distance between them, and murmured, “Put your arms in.”

Yes, sir. If that was the only way she’d get him wrapped around her, she’d definitely comply. So, why was she trembling?

As soon as she’d pushed her arms through the roomy sleeves, he chucked her chin in that cute kid way of his that made her want to knee him in the groin. “I’ll give you a ride home,” he said.

Damn it. Why was he being so stubborn? It wasn’t as if she was asking for forever. She knew he wasn’t in the place for that, even if he could consider her more than buddy material. But they could give each other one unforgettable night. It was the holiday season, after all.

She took a bolstering breath. Time to jump in with both freezing feet.

“I’m not going home. I’m going to Alexa’s. With you.” And without her dress. She and her best friend wore about the same size, so maybe she could swipe something from Lex’s closet. Or she could wrap herself in a blanket and try the toga look. There were always options.

“I already told you,” he said. “I’m not going. Maybe you should just head home. You can party next weekend. You’ve had a trying day and it’s supposed to snow all night. We could get six inches.”

“Oh no! Six whole inches?” She slapped her hands to her cold-stung cheeks and he scowled. “If it’s snowing, I’d better hide inside. Because snow is so scary. I could get trapped somewhere without milk or bread! Or I suppose I could plan ahead and invite a guy over. He could stop by the store on the way. But what if he forgets condoms? Then we’d have to try the cling wrap and butter method.”

Okay, she didn’t know where that had come from. Cling wrap? Butter? Ick. But Jake’s horrified expression made it all worthwhile.

“You seriously better be joking. If you’ve been taking chances with protection…”

Noelle shook her head. Jake not only thought she was a child, he considered her really stupid. And possibly weird.

“You’re unreal, you know that? Ever heard of a joke? Besides, I don’t think that’s even possible. Eww.” She turned and stalked away, only to realize she had no car to stalk toward.

Figured. She couldn’t even have a proper temper tantrum.

“Noelle, wait.”

She stopped and slid her hands into his coat pockets. The left one was empty. But the right held a small disk, something that felt awfully like—

She pulled out the foil packet and whirled to face him. Hell, if he could say dumb things, so could she. “Glad I found this.” She held out the offending item. “Now I know who to ask if I need a spare condom.”

chapter three

Jake’s gut knotted. Between the bright whiteness of the steadily falling snow and the glow of the streetlights flashing in her eyes, he could read Noelle’s emotions with no trouble.

She was pissed.

“I was just kidding about the protection thing,” he said hastily. Maybe he should worry about his own protection. As in cupping his hands over his suddenly shriveling manhood. “I just wanted to make sure you were safe.”

“I’m always safe.”

Always safe? Did that mean she was having a lot of sex? Like maybe monthly or even weekly? With whom? He hadn’t heard she was seeing anyone lately, but Alexa didn’t tell him much. Especially since his breakup with Maureen. In fact, she’d avoided everything relationship related, probably thinking he couldn’t bear to hear about anyone else’s happy love lives.

But Nellie was different. He needed to know who she was seeing.

Because you want her for yourself? There’s a dream come true, huh? Noelle Gregory with her lips glossy and wet and her golden eyes shimmering while she waves a condom in your face and then reaches down to—

Not going there. Besides, there couldn’t be an endless string of nameless men. She wasn’t like that. A woman who loved it when Goldman’s got in new shipments of tacky shirts wouldn’t be indiscriminate with her bed partners. Nor would one who’d gotten all A’s in the interior design classes she’d been taking since last year. She was conscientious and responsible and determined to be a success—

She stomped over and kneed him soundly in the thigh.

“Christ, you almost clipped my dick!” If he hadn’t moved when he did… “What the hell’s your problem?”