“What’s wrong?” he asked. This was the first time either of them had spoken during the ride. He’d probably been trying to find a way out of spending the evening with her. The trip had certainly been long enough for him to rethink things.

She dragged in a breath and waited for her heart to stop thundering. “I forgot about everything I still have to handle tonight. All the credit cards I have to cancel and the list I have to write up for the police of what I lost. I blanked it all out.”

“Honey, you were frightened. Of course you forgot. But don’t worry. I’ll help you.”

“You will?”

He reached over and took her hand, pulling it across the console and onto his thigh. His really muscled thigh that made her think really dirty thoughts. “Yes, I will. Tomorrow morning we’ll take care of all of it.”

“Jake, my wallet had my favorite pictures of—“

“Your grandma,” he finished before she could, his grip turning gentler. “Shit. I forgot you carried those with you.”

“Yeah.” She’d never forget how he’d wrapped her in a blanket that night during sophomore year of high school when she’d left a sleepover at Alexa’s house and come home to find most of her life in ruins. He’d seen the pictures of her Nana, the ones that survived the fire that torched most of her family’s stuff. Luckily her family had been safe, but so many of her memories had gone up in smoke.

Now some jerk had taken more of them.

“I’ll call the police and let them know where you’ll be tonight. Then we’ll handle whatever has to be done tomorrow. Together.” He rubbed her knuckles. “All’s not lost, I swear. But tonight you need to relax.”

“Yes, I do.” She wasn’t going to debate that point. “So do you.”

He glanced her way as a passing car’s lights flashed over his striking profile. “Not arguing,” he said with a slight smile, his fingers squeezing hers.

How much relaxing they could do without any condoms remained to be seen, so she forced herself to just enjoy the way his large fingers folded over hers, holding them as if he wanted to protect her. His thumb stroked the side of her palm, lulling her without words. He was with her. She was safe.

Right now, that was all that mattered.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at Alexa’s cabin and ascertained that no prospective revelers had gained access through illicit means. No cars were parked on the hidden drive and the property was absolutely still. The snow cushioning the lawn and fluttering from the sky only strengthened the realization that she and Jake were totally alone.

Noelle wrapped her hands around the front porch railing, and stifled a shiver. Could she go through with this? When she’d imagined them finally doing it, she’d pictured them falling into bed in a frenzy after Alexa’s loud, noisy party.

Now, there was no party. She and Jake were alone in a plush, luxurious cabin with a thick pad of silence walling them in on all sides. The kiss they’d shared had been fast, yes, but it had also been deep. Not a surface skim but something that felt big and important.

“Hey.” His voice poured over her like hot, rich coffee. “You must be freezing. Why’d you take off my coat?”

Because it smelled like you and I wan

ted to roll around in it like a dog on the first day of mating season.

She shrugged, suddenly shy. Maybe she was just a kid. Why else would she want to run and hide? She trusted him, so that wasn’t the problem. Whatever she’d said during their condom spat, he was a great guy. He’d always been her friend and one of her staunchest allies. They could just have sex and that would be that.

Except it wasn’t. She wanted more. Kissing him had proven to her that one night would never suffice.

He lifted his palm to her cheek. She sighed, memorizing the exact impression of his fingertips on her flesh. “Why don’t we go inside, Nellie?” he murmured.

“Can you call me Noelle?” Maybe she could get this night back on solid footing if he stripped away some of the familiarity that made her wish for more. “Please?”

“Sure. Noelle.” His easy smile smoothed out some of her nerves and set off all new ones when he slid his hand around the back of her neck. “We should probably hang out for a while. Want to go watch some TV? I know you love the New Year’s specials. I’ll even make us some eats.”

“Now you’re talking,” she said, smiling back, and pressing a hand to her growling stomach. Jake was a fabulous cook. From appetizers to four-course dinners, he could turn out a meal that would impress anyone. Yet another of his many positive attributes.

So why would any woman let him get away?

“Why did you and Maureen break up?” As soon as the question crossed her lips she wanted to snatch it back. His grimace definitely added to her discomfort. “Sorry, none of my business.”

“No, hang on. It is your business. If we’re going to…” He blew out a breath that puffed in the cold air. “Are we going to, Noelle?”

“Yes, we are.” She nodded decisively. “We’re going to have sex. Amazing sex. Except—“