“Say something, Jake. I’m getting tired of standing around out here.”

Yeah, this was ridiculous. They’d been standing outside having this insane conversation for who knew how long in the freezing cold. They could be inside discussing this. Preferably without their clothes.

“You haven’t been watching late-night cable or something, have you?” he asked. She glared at him and he took a preventative step back. Tonight he didn’t trust her reactions. “Isn’t this something girls get into their heads when they want to sow their wild oats? Doing their best friend’s older brothers, I mean.”

“I thought it was the other way around. That their little sister’s friends turned older guys on.” He didn’t miss the alluring note of challenge in her voice.

“Well, duh.” His feet moved forward without his conscious help. “Especially ones with bunny shirts and,” he slid his finger down one of her brightly colored corkscrew earrings, “holiday-themed jewelry.”

She bristled and started to step back, but he clamped a hand around her waist, holding her still. “Uh-uh. Stay right there.”


After her earlier tirade, her quivering lips gratified him more than he could say. “You know I would never laugh at you. I’m honored that you want me, for whatever reason.”

“Is there more than one reason?” She still wouldn’t meet his eyes, but she also didn’t attempt to put space between them.

“Sure there is.”

“What difference would it make? You’ve been home for weeks and haven’t bothered to come see me.”

“I had my reasons,” he muttered. He’d been afraid he would kiss her like he almost did the last time he’d seen her. Apparently he’d been right to worry. “But I’ll have you know I was on my way to your place when I came upon you out here.” Couldn’t hide anymore.


“Yes. But if you just want me for sex, I feel honor bound to try to dissuade you.” At least a little.

Her eyes narrowed. “Why? Because I can’t possibly know my own mind?”

He breathed deep and hoped he wouldn’t say something he’d regret. With his current level of crotch constriction, he couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t. “Because it’s probably wrong and I, as the older and wiser one” —he grinned at her sniff— “should shut this down before it goes anywhere.”

Noelle met his gaze with such intensity that the air sizzled and snapped. Surely that much blood flooding his previously frozen member couldn’t be healthy. But he wasn’t about to waste this amazing, absolutely unreal chance.

To hell with shutting down, his body had decided it was all systems go.

“We’re standing on a street corner,” she said quietly, snagging her fingers in his T-shirt and pulling him closer. Too close. There wasn’t a way for him to deny what she made him feel when her body fit to his. She boldly rubbed against the obvious proof of his interest, a surprisingly provocative smile flitting over the lips he ached to taste.

All he needed was one forbidden nibble. A bite. An endless lick that started there and ended up behind her ear. Enough to last him until he could throw her across her bed and bare her body to his hands and his mouth.

Every part of her, his to cherish.

“It’s snowing,” she added, arching onto her toes. Her heels hit the pavement with a dull thunk.

“And it’s New Year’s Eve,” he finished, smudging the snowflakes collecting on her reddened cheeks. In the near darkness only the deep hue of her lips stood out against her pale skin. Her eyes shone into his, drawing him nearer until her breaths whispered over his lips.

“A time for new beginnings.”

Jake smiled and let his mouth brush hers, the barest of contacts. Cold and sweet, her minty flavor beckoned him to take more. She moaned and gripped his shirt harder, pulling it up until snow snuck into the back of his jeans. He pressed against her, his thumbs framing her face, and closed his eyes, wanting to savor these last seconds before he kissed her for real. There wouldn’t be another moment like this between them again.

They were standing on the cusp of something huge. If he did this, Noelle would no longer be just his little sister’s friend. She would become his lover. It couldn’t be undone because he wouldn’t let it.

“Jake,” she whispered, the hot blast of her exhalation making him groan. He gave in and fisted his hands in her hair.

She opened to him at once, her body melting against his, wilting into his embrace so that it felt like his light pressure on her cheeks was all that held her upright. But her mouth was a hungry thing, her tongue diving in to tangle with his while her arms wound around his shoulders. He slanted his head to plunder her as deeply as he could, ravenous to explore every inch of her mouth.

Forget kissing. They were eating each other alive.

Damn, Noelle was like dynamite detonating through his system. If he’d ever thought of her as a kid, he definitely didn’t anymore. Her minty flavor, as cool as the night that surrounded them, consumed his senses. His arms shook with the fierce control he needed to keep his hands on her face and not on her ass where they longed to be. He wanted to rock her up and down his cock to relieve the intense ache. Needed to feel more of her in his palms while he swallowed her moans.