“Seriously? Why do you need a penis car?”
He laughed. “More like this was the first stupid thing I bought when I had money. I always wanted a Charger, but I wasn’t patient about getting one, so I took the only one they had.”
He shrugged. “Surprisingly I haven’t gotten a ticket.”
“I didn’t ask.”
“You wanted to.” He held open the door for her. “In you go.” He circled the car to the driver side and dashed off a quick text to Ryan. Before he got the key into the ignition, he got a reply.
Ryan: Didn’t want to be home for the bangfest. You kids enjoy. See ya at the Roxy.
“Looks like we get the apartment to ourselves this week.” He fired up the engine and slapped it into gear. “I say we stop and get some food and hole up for the week. How’s that sound to you?”
“You and me for the entire week?”
He nodded. “Wanna play house with me, Lo?”
“If that means have lots of sex, then yes.”
He laughed and pulled out of the parking lot and onto Ventura Boulevard. “That is definitely what I mean.”
Shopping with Lauren had a whole different flavor than shopping with Ryan. She was very particular with certain things—shampoo, lotion, and moisturizer. But when it came to her food choices they ran to surprising things like Ramen noodles, quiche, and canned ravioli.
However, they found a few cool things in the condom aisle. One didn’t even have to order their lube from nefarious sites any longer.
Their cart was full to bursting and both of them shared a similar mind when it came to bags and trips into the apartment. He’d rather lose circulation in his wrists and fingers than make a second trip.
He slapped the up button on his building with his foot. “Don’t get too excited. My apartment is nothing to write home about.”
“At least you have one. I’ve been relying on the kindness of Ethan for too long.”
He bit his tongue. He didn't like the idea of her going back home with that guy at all. Not when he was so obviously in love with her. Whether Lo believed it or not, she was Ethan’s end game.
West couldn’t even blame him. With every hour he was with her, she felt more and more right. In a week, she’d become as necessary as his hands and that was terrifying.
He’d never really needed anyone before.
Hell, he barely needed an apartment, and now there was this woman who made him feel way too much. When they got to his floor, he led her down the hallway to his apartment and dropped the bags by the door.
He opened the door and leaned on it before opening it enough to let her inside. “Just as a word of warning. Our furniture looks more or less like we raided an old folks home and a garage sale at the end. You know when only the crap pieces are left.”
“I think maybe your grandma and mine had different furniture tastes.” Lauren rattled her plastic bags. “Just let me in already.”
She pushed through the door when he unlocked it and her eyes were rounded with surprise. He looked at through her eyes and winced. Garage finds were pretty much spot on.
He kicked the bags in after hers and decided a distraction was in order. “However, my bed is brand new and very, very bouncy.”
She dropped her bags and pushed him against the wall.
His grunted out a laugh and hauled her up into his arms.
“What about—”