“Not sure I want that in my brain.”

Wanda cackled. “Just because I’m almost twice your age doesn’t mean I’m dead.” Wanda’s husband was super tall, and she…well, Wanda was about Chloe’s size with five times the boobs. The only time Chloe had been busty was when she’d been pregnant. The girls left her again as soon as she’d stopped breast feeding.

Unfairness seemed to be a recurring theme lately.

Then again she didn’t have the aching back that most of the girls did at Rafferty’s. Small favors in this life evidently.

“I’ll see you in the morning.”

“You got it, cupcake.”

Chloe’s feet were aching like the very devil and she didn’t want to walk the five hundred feet up her driveway let alone another block, but her father had texted her with an update at the end of Michael’s show. There were still a bunch of vans waiting outside.

Why the hell was she so popular?

Because your husband was boning a senator’s fiancée. She was paying a stupidity tax for every move she made these days. She crossed the road, then cut through her neighbor’s yard and through the gap in the chainlink fence.

A rustle in the bushes pushed her into a sprint. She really didn’t want to have it out with Daryl—the neighborhood mutt. He was part bulldog, part retriever, all interested in eating shoes.

She got to the top of the lawn and a spotlight blinded her.

“Oh, crap.” Chloe raised a hand against the light. Four more camera lamps zeroed in on her in the middle of Mr. Zulinski’s lawn. Double crap. Couldn’t be her neighbor on the other side. Nope ha

d to be her landlord’s cranky uncle.

She stumbled back, tripping over the edgers along her neighbor’s garden.

“How’s it feel to be married to a home wrecker?”

“Did you have a quickie wedding because you’re pregnant?”

“Is your son Michael’s love child?”

“How long have you known Michael Shawcross?”

“Are you getting an annulment?”

“Are you divorcing him? Is there a prenup?”

“Did you marry him for his millions?”

Chloe pushed her way out of the circle of vultures known loosely as reporters. Another pack of them were trampling through the yard. “This is private property,” she said as loudly as she could.

And shocker of all shockers, she was resolutely ignored.

“Are you still sleeping with Nick Crandall from Oblivion too?”

Her heart stopped at that question. As did her forward momentum. Which only prompted them go at her harder with questions. They definitely smelled chum in the water.

“Keeping it all in the family? You moved onto his wife’s stepson?” The voice was shrill and female.

She whirled around at that question. “You people should be ashamed of yourselves.”

“We’d love to hear your side of things.”

“So you can twist it? I’ve been there before thanks.”As soon as she said it, Chloe wished she could snatch it back.

“Did you receive a settlement from Oblivion? Are you still fighting for it?”