A murmur started to circulate around the bar. Chloe’s shoulders stiffened as Wanda came up beside her. “This guy hassling you?”

Michael grinned. “It’s actually my favorite pastime. She generally likes it, even if she growls about it first.” He held his hand out. “Michael.”

Wanda shook his hand aggressively. Chloe had to hand it to him, he didn’t wince or look away from her friend. In fact his smile widened.

“You should meet my brother. You two could arm wrestle.”

Wanda snickered briefly before dropping his hand. “You mess with my girl and we’re going to have words, yeah?”

Michael shook out his fingers. “I like that she has people looking out for her.”

“We do.” Wanda leaned forward a little. “And I know how to hide a body.”

“And that’s a very handy skill. I’ll remember that.”

“I shouldn’t like this one if the rumors are true, but I like him.” Wanda bumped her shoulder. “I’m holding off judgement.” She tipped her head and squinted at him. “For now.”

Michael’s eyebrow shot up and the little green gem in his eyebrow ring winked in the low lights. “Does the threat come with my drink or is it extra?”

“I don’t have grape soda. Go fish.”

He shrugged. “Okay, you pick for me. I hate Coke and Pepsi though.”

Figures he’d be fussy. “Why are you here?”

“I’m checking in on you since you won’t answer a text. I know you’re getting them.”

She sighed. “Look, I appreciate your situation. Actually, you know what? No, I really don’t. We don’t mesh. You and your fancy car can go back to Malibu where you belong, okay? Just send me the paperwork for a divorce or whatever and we’ll both be happier.”

He grinned at her. “You checked up on me?”

She flushed. Okay, so she may have Googled him. And she may have found pictures of his stupid apartment when she’d been browsing on her phone. Everything about him was so far out of her stratosphere she couldn’t find the two of them on the same map. “That’s what you got out of that sentence?”

He spread his fingers out on the bar taking up as much space as humanly possible. And he was still wearing his damn ring. Why?

God, this was so crazy.

Another murmur twined its way to the bar. She frowned as two men in rumpled suit jackets took a seat at the end.

“You can’t deny there’s something here between us.” Michael covered her hand.

She tried to pull away. Her gaze strayed to the two guys at the end of the bar again. “One sec,” she said to Michael.

“Chlo—fuck.” He raked his fingers through his hair.

She couldn’t worry about him right then. She had people to serve. And busy bodies to move along. At least if her instincts proved at all on point. She flicked two coasters at the men. “Can I get you gentlemen something?”

The one on the right had the good grace to look down, but asshat on the left stared right at her. “You’re Chloe Adams right?” His smarmy smile widened. “Or is that Shawcross?”

“I’m just a bartender. And if you’re not looking for a drink then I need those seats for paying customers.”

“Two Miller Lites.”

Of course two of the cheapest beers on the planet. “Coming right up.” She moved to the cooler and popped two tops before setting the sweating bottles on the bar. “Glasses?”

“No, this is fine.” Smarmy dude slid a five on the bar. “Keep the change.”

“Aww, can I really? That whole no cents.” She gave him her fuck-off-you-cheap-bastard smile.