“Looks like he already did that for himself.”

“He should be in bed, since Lori said he didn’t get much of a nap this afternoon.”

It was probably starvation and sex deprivation—if I couldn’t remember doing it, it was almost as if I hadn’t—that made him open his mouth. “I can do it. Probably. Where’s his room?”

“Hold up. You can’t put my son to sleep.”

“He already is. See, exhibit A.”

“That’s not what I mean. I mean carting him down the hall and tucking him in and reading him a story—”

“Which is his favorite?”

“Right now, The Spider and The Fly, but it changes every week. That’s beside the point. We aren’t playing house, Michael.”

“True. Since you won’t move in with me, although we’re virtual prisoners in here

now.” He jerked a thumb toward the curtains she’d made sure were drawn tightly the moment they’d entered the apartment.

“Right. Like it’s not the same at The Pussy Palace.”

“I don’t have groupies in my home.”

Of course that begged the question how he could have ever consumed enough to give Tabitha a key, but he’d also thought marriage was a fine idea while he was inebriated. Guess nothing was off the table when he started tossing them back.

Nope, he was never drinking again.

“Handy, since you want to move in me and my son,” Chloe muttered.

“No, I mean they’ve never been in my home.” Loosely, he grasped her wrist when she started to turn away. “I’ve never had a woman spend the night at my place.”

He’d played it off to Lila that it didn’t make sense he’d mess up a hotel room when he was in town, but that had been a misdirection. He didn’t bring women to his apartment. Ever.

Except now he wanted to move a woman in. The woman. Somehow Chloe had already climbed several levels in status past any woman who had come before.

She shook off his hold. “And I suppose you always use a condom too.”

“Always.” That was sterling truth. “I won’t have sex without one.”

“Am I supposed to believe you?”

He tapped the heavy gold ring on his finger. “I took a vow. That means I can’t lie to you.”

Her lips trembled before she firmed them. “So a wedding ring is like truth serum?”

“Suppose so.” He shrugged and glanced toward Axl, who’d brought his chubby hand up to his mouth in sleep. “Let me put him to bed while you keep an eye out for your dad.”

“You mean so I can usher him inside in a hurry? They’re relentless out there.”

“If you moved in with me—”

“I’d have to deal with the same thing and I wouldn’t have Lori to help with Axl when I’m at work.”

“Well, you wouldn’t have to do that if you didn’t want to. Work, I mean. Being my wife accords you certain privileges.”

“Oh really. Next you’re going to say you want me naked, barefoot and pregnant.” She slapped a hand to her forehead. “Oh, I forgot. You’re against chicks with babies.”

“Never said I was against them, just that I didn’t date them. I know my limitations.”