She pushed that picture away only to find something even more damning.
Her fingers laced on top of another hand. A hand she barely recognized save for the glittering gold band.
She couldn’t forget that—nothing else made sense from last night, but that ring was clear as a freaking bell. She closed her photos folder and quickly texted her father their arrival time.
“Who keeps texting you?”
Chloe’s head popped up, but it was Lila talking to Nick again.
Nick growled as his phone buzzed again. “Not important. I don’t even know why he’s freaking texting me for fuck’s sake.”
Lila gave an exasperated sigh. “Did you check?”
“You didn’t even look to see what he wanted?” Lila turned in her seat. “It might be important.”
“If it was important he’d be texting you not me. Unless…” Nick thumped his head against the seat. “Who did he fucking marry? I can’t even believe I’m asking this question. I don’t fucking care.”
“Oh, you will.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” His voice went up another decibel.
Chloe’s shoulders bunched. She so didn’t want to be sitting through this. God, why hadn’t she moved earlier. This is what eavesdropping got a person. All of the truth one never wanted to hear.
“She’s your little pet project.”
“I have one pet, and he’s pain in the ass enough.”
“Let me see your phone.”
Nick shoved it into his pocket. “No. Why is this a thing?”
“It’s me.” Chloe wanted to slap her hands over her mouth, but she couldn’t listen anymore.
Lila swung around and peeked over the top of the oversized seats. “You were here listening the whole time?”
“The whole damn plane could hear you.” Chloe stood up and dragged her purse with her into the aisle. She was used to no one noticing her. Snake had always been loud and larger than life. She never really minded blending into the background. Until now. She was tired of no one seeing her.
Of course she really didn’t want people to notice her like this. She could feel everyone’s eyes on her.
“If you didn’t want me to know you were trash talking me than maybe you shouldn’t have opened your mouth.” If they wanted a show they were going to get one. Chloe couldn’t seem to get her mouth to close. She loomed over Lila’s seat.
God, Lila didn’t even look embarrassed by it. She just lifted her chin. “I’m not saying anything other than the truth. Money has been a very real situation when it comes to you and my family.”
“I never wanted any of it. Snake asked me to keep Nick in Axl’s life, and yes I had to ask for money to help out until I got on my feet. Do you even know how hard that was for me?” Chloe pointed to Nick. “He’s the one that wouldn’t take the money back.”
Nick’s jaw flexed, but he said nothing.
Lila’s eyes went arctic. “And now you’re moving on to greener pastures. At least it’s a step up from your previous fiancé. But I will not have you derail my son’s career.”
“I don’t want to be married to your son.” Chloe’s laughter sounded a little close to hysteria even to her own ears. “God, that’s even ridiculous to say. You’re barely a handful of years older than him.”
“I watched him grow up.”