“It better be.”

He squeezed Elle’s shoulder and headed for the exit.

In under fifteen minutes, he was back on his floor. Between dodging tourists and the not-so-sneaky paparazzi he glimpsed hanging around—though he wasn’t sure if they were stalking him or some other hapless celeb—he felt like he was moving through mud. He flipped out his keycard and opened the door, already braced.

The first thing he noticed was the absence of her particular scent.

So stupid to immediately associate cinnamon with her when he’d lived his whole life smelling it without it meaning much of anything. Now his room being devoid of it meant that she’d gone.

She’d just walked out and left him holding his balls.

Still, he went through the motions of checking the suite for a note. He looked everywhere he could think of, then gave in and sat down on his bed.

The sheets were still askew, the pillows tossed every which way. Guess he’d missed housekeeping with their late departure from the suite.

She’d just fucking left.

He pulled out his phone and just stared at it. What was he supposed to do now? Call Lila and ask for Chloe’s number again? Or better yet, he’d call Nick. If he got to Nick before Lila filled him in, he’d hand over the number without realizing anything was up.

His thumb slipped over the icons and he opened the photos app. Why, he didn’t know. He had no reason to look at pictures. But something made him bring it up, and there she was, like a glimmer of light in the center of the murky darkness his life had become overnight.

She was smiling up at the camera, her hair glinting red in the darkened atmosphere of the club. There was no missing the blurriness of her expression. She was well and truly toasted, but cripes, the way she’d been looking at him. So seductively, so openly. As if every part of her was on display for him.

Only him.

He remembered that look. Seeing it on his screen brought so much of the night screaming back, just not the parts he needed most to remember.

Like saying “I do”.

He needed to take a shower and get dressed for the flight back. And he needed a plan for winning back his wife, even if he didn’t have the slightest clue what he was going to do with her.

Chapter 14

Chloe scrolled back and forth between her singular texts from Ivy and Jinx.


Both of them.

JJ: So, I got kidnapped. In the best way ever. I’ll fill you in next week. For now—adventure awaits, bitches!

Both of them.

Was there something in the water in Vegas? It was the marriage capital of the damn world, but honestly, this was a little ridiculous. And neither of them would reply, that’s what killed her the most. In fact, the messages she sent didn’t even seem like they were delivered.

Had they turned off their phones?

Should she be worried?

Had some insane stranger made them type that?

Could she be any more dramatic? Jinx pulled this kind of stunt all the time. How many times had she up and disappeared during a vacation with the three of them? She could actually count three of them off the top of her head right now.

Ivy however—that didn’t make a bit of sense.

She was the stable sister. Always had two jobs, and could be called on any time day or night for help. She was actually a little worried about Ivy’s message. If she didn’t hear from th

em again today, she’d…