“You do that.” She waited as he did something with the computer and led her out into the store. “Thanks, Nathan.”

“You’re very welcome Miss Chloe. Good luck with your young man.”

“I’m going to need it.” She briskly walked through the store and opened the message waiting for her.

IJ:You’re not going to believe what happened last night. I can’t explain everything right now, but I’m OK. I’m not going back with you. I’m sorry. I just have to see this thing thru. Xoxo

She quickly shot a text back.

CA: where are you?

CA: are you ok?

CA: what do you mean you’re not coming back? do I need bail money?

She stared intently at the screen, but there was no little bubbles at the bottom to let her know Ivy was typing back. Nothing from any-damn-one.

What the hell was going on?

She tipped her head back. No crying. There’s no crying in Vegas even if you married a man that’s pretty much a complete stranger.


She squeezed her eyes shut until the burning stopped and black dots swam.

No crying.

She’d figure it out. That’s what she did. Was always what she did.

Was it so wrong that she really wanted to rely on her girls? For once she wanted someone to tell her what to do. She wasn’t going to feel sorry for herself. It never helped anything. Wishing was useless anyway.

All she had to do was get home to her son. Then she could try to forget this whole Vegas mess had ever ha


Maybe if she pretended long enough, at least one of her hopes would come true.

Chapter 13

His trip was going awesome so far. Hell, he might as well do a blog about his adventures and share it with the world. He could summarize the events of the past couple of days in a few lines.

Day one of Vegas trip: blow the roof off the house with a kickass show.

Encore: get married to a woman who might as well be a stranger.

Day two of Vegas trip: wake up in bed beside new wife, who you might’ve remembered having sex with—and marrying—if only you hadn’t consumed enough to kill a buffalo the night before. Performance issues, however, could not have been an issue because hashtag rockstar.

Yep, that covered things nicely.

The emergency band meeting was held in the VIP room of a restaurant called Sparkle. Naturally, he was the last one to arrive, which granted him the pleasure of the glare of death from Lila.

“Nice to see you could join us, though you appear a bit worse for wear.” She glanced at his attire, the first pair of shorts and T-shirt he’d pulled out of his suitcase. The shirt happened to be the rank KISS one he’d worn onstage last night, paired with the bike shorts he’d brought for working out.

So much for grabbing a spin class to get his heart rate up and maybe meet some chicks. He’d had to fit in an impromptu marriage ceremony instead.

“Sorry, had a busy morning,” he replied, dropping into the only remaining empty chair around the large circular table in the corner.

So he hadn’t had time to shower or find a clean shirt. At least he was there. As for the fact his dick was packaged in Lycra, yeah, well, no fixing that at this point. The bright side was he wasn’t wearing a fanny pack, unlike three of the tourists he’d passed on his walk through the hotel.