“Oh God.”
He groaned and pushed up her shirt. “Round two?” he asked in a fuzzy mumble.
“Round none!” She kicked out and connected with something before she scrambled up against the headboard.
“Fuck me.” The man curled into a fetal position.
Dark hair and naked shoulders. Was that a tattoo? Was he naked under the sheet?
She didn’t wait to find out. She leaped off the bed. Not her hotel room. This one was bigger with only one bed. A lake-sized bed with tangled white sheets.
She was going to be sick. She lunged for the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it before she skidded in front of the toilet. Her stomach revolted until there was nothing but dry heaves shuddering through her.
“Are you all right?”
No, she wasn’t all right. She’d awakened in a strange hotel room with a strange man. She gripped the edge of the bowl, frowning as something clicked against the porcelain.
She pulled shaking fingers away and flushed, then stumbled to the sink.
Her eyes were bloodshot, her pupils absolutely huge. Blindly, she fumbled with the faucet, causing another clink of metal against metal. She stuck her head under the spray to rinse away the sick.
She needed eight toothbrushes and a magic eraser for her brain.
Actually, not so much on the erasing because she couldn’t remember a damn thing.
How had she ended up here?
Why couldn’t she remember?
Where the hell was her phone?
Auto-pilot kicked in as she pumped soap on her hands. Metal clicked against metal. She still had on Snake’s ring. She couldn’t seem to take it off, but she’d moved it to her right hand.
That was only one hand.
Something flashed on her left hand.
On her ring finger.
She washed away the lather. Rubbing at the sapphire and diamond ring from yesterday. No, she hadn’t bought that.
She’d said no.
She’d given it back.
She wouldn’t ever put it on her left hand.
She slammed her elbow into the doorknob. Tears flooded her eyes as pain crashed into fear and a sob escaped. “No, no, no.”
“Open the goddamn door. It’s the least you can do after you drop kicked me in the balls. Are you hurt? Is there blood?”
She whirled around. Panic made the space seem smaller by the minute. Marble tile over marble countertops. Everything pristine white. She climbed into the shower and curled into the corner.
No way.
“Dammit, open up. Are you okay?”