“Damn.” Jinx whistled. “We are going to have so much fun.”
Chloe nodded. “Damn right.” She followed the girls off the elevator and down the hall. They had so many bags they couldn’t walk side by side. That so wasn’t good.
Getting ready pushed away some of the homesickness for her kid. That and Jinx cranking Brooklyn Dawn’s new album at an ear-shattering decibel. She was sharing the mirror with Ivy when Jinx suddenly disappeared.
“Drinks, bitches. And our passes arrived.”
Chloe peeked out with one eye done. “What the hell is that?”
Jinx looked down at the cart. “Something called Mercury.” She stirred the pitcher of blue liquid. For freak’s sake, Chloe could smell the alcohol from across the room. Jinx came over with oversized martini glasses filled to the brim. She took a little sip. “Oh my God. You have to try it.”
Had to be sapphire blue. Seriously?
Ivy wiggled her way around Chloe. “Oh, what’s that?”
“That sounds interesting.”
“Not the word I was going with.” Chloe accepted a glass.
“A toast. To the finest bitches in this hotel tonight. May we have fun, get drunk, and if we’re lucky, get royally laid.”
Ivy lifted her glass. “Hell yes.”
She wasn’t sure about the laid part, but she was determined to have fun. “Bottoms up.”
“That’s the spirit.” Jinx took a gulp, her blue eyes bulging at the taste.
Chloe was pretty sure hers were a match. “Holy shit. What’s in there? Lighter fluid?”
Ivy sputtered a little. “I’m going to say some grain alcohol.”
The last time she had Everclear, there had been a lot of hickeys on her neck. She wasn’t sure if that was her being hopeful or not, but she took another swig. This time, the alcohol burned a little less and the flavor of pineapple made her taste buds demand more.
She set her glass on the counter as she went back to her makeup. She shimmied to “House of Cards” as Lindsey sang her heart out about losing the love of her life.
She knew how that felt.
When she emptied her glass, suddenly there was another one at her elbow. She sipped as she attacked her red hair with a curling iron and hairspray. The ombré skirt floated around her legs as she tried not to think about the inches of midriff she was showing with the strappy halter top.
“Fuck, you’re hot.”
Chloe paused as she painted on her dark lipstick. “Thanks. Still not changing teams. Even for you.”
“You couldn’t handle me.” Jinx put her hands on her hips. “Everything’s perfect except…”
Chloe recapped her lipstick. “Except what?”
Jinx held up a finger and ran into the bedroom. She came back with palm-sized scissors.
“What the hell are those for?”
“Just need a little shortening.”
Chloe tried to back up. “No. This skirt cost three hundred dollars.”
“And will look like a thousand dollars when I’m done with it.”