Jinx’s smile broadened. “Now that’s the Chloe I know and love.”
Meri put her hands on her hips. “You girls are stunning. Now go kill it at Light.”
Chloe stepped off the platform. “Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.”
They went back up to the room with way more bags than they’d started with. She tried not to think about just how much had been charged to the room. Instead, the three of them freshened up makeup and hair and explored the hotel a little.
Light was on the main floor of the hotel. The sharp scent of chlorine and cocoa butter hit her as they followed the crowd of people. A deep bass seemed to vibrate up from the floor and a buzz started under her skin.
The music was a far cry from her days at seedy bars and clubs, but the overall feel was the same. People out to have fun. Okay, maybe not exactly the same. There was money and a little wildness running through the air like its own perfume.
And she really wanted to wear it.
The bouncer waived them through with an appreciative gaze. Jinx was wearing a little black outfit that was all movement with a trace of glitter. Instead of a skirt, she had on dressy shorts. And she was already tall enough, so she went with flat sandals that laced up her toned calves. She owned her sexuality.
The opposite sex noticed. Immediately, she had three different suitors breaking away from their friends to approach her.
Within minutes, there were drinks on their table and the three of them were surrounded by men outside by the pool.
The party had begun.
Chloe threw herself into the moment. Because she worked at a bar, she was conscious of the drinks placed on the table. She kept her hand over the top of her vodka tonic.
There were a lot of them.
And she let herself have fun.
She danced.
She laughed.
She only checked her phone three times all night. One of those times was to add the phone number of a guy staying at the hotel through the weekend.
The edge of the pool even got some play. She splashed her feet in the water with a vapid guy named Brad—owner of the number added to her phone. He was pretty and kept flirting with her. He didn’t do much else but talk about himself, but she decided to live in the moment.
The past didn’t matter. Only today.
It wasn’t like she’d carry any of this home with her. It was just a couple of nights to let loose, then she’d go back to her real life. Dutiful Chloe, with only memories to keep her warm.
But until then? She wasn’t going to regret one single thing.
Chapter 6
Chloe pulled the pillow over her head. “Just five more minutes, Axl.”
A pillow thumped on her back. “Turn off that fucking alarm.”
“Wha?” She groaned. Oh, crap her head. The buzz and bleat of her phone dented her consciousness. She had her phone set for a daily alarm to get ready for work. She slapped it off and pulled the duvet over her head. “How much did we drink?”
“All the drinks.” Jinx wiggled next to her on the bed. She’d started in the bed with her sister, but somehow ended up in Chloe’s.
Chloe peeled off the duvet and squinted at her phone. Eleven? Really?
She sat up and swallowed down the immediate and all-consuming crash of nausea. She blew out a slow breath and flicked down her messages. “Who’s Brad?”
“Hot guy, dumb as a lump of platinum.”