They followed the signs to the eatery Suzanne mentioned. The watermelon drink was ridiculous, and the salad was just enough to kill the empty feeling living in her gut. Nerves didn’t allow her to eat too much, but she didn’t want to be looped after one drink, so food was a necessity.

“Are you done yet?” Ivy asked again.

“Dude, what’s the rush?” Chloe sat back on the dainty white wrought iron chair. They were eating next to a glass balcony that looked down over two more floors. There was a double escalator and a massive fountain below.

One of the casino entrances was flooded with people streaming from the slot machines to electronic card games. It wasn’t the main casino, but there seemed to be a dozen smaller game stations all over the hotel. In between were restaurants galore and a huge archway that teased the shark attraction in another building.

It was a feast for the senses.

And made her dizzy as hell, and not because of the height. She just couldn’t imagine this many people in one space. Hell, she lived in LA, but it didn’t feel like this. It was claustrophobic sometimes, but at least there was space and the ocean. There were little pockets where she could actually get away with Axl and sit on a patch of grass.

This was just ostentatious and overwhelming.

A world so outside of her own.

“Earth to Chloe.”

“Hmm?” She turned to Ivy. “Sorry. Just people watching.”

“Anyone hot?”

She laughed. “I hadn’t noticed.” How sad was it that she wasn’t even looking for men? The last man she’d been with was Snake. Her hormones had closed up shop sometime between her pregnancy and losing him to the accident.

They’d emerged a few times for brief moments of mayhem, but the trouble of having a man in her life outweighed the benefits of getting naked with one.

You can get in all sorts of trouble this weekend.

She pushed aside that little voice. It was pretty quiet most of the time. Actually, probably in a coma more often than not. Getting an average of four hours of sleep a night usually kept that voice dormant.

“Girl, that needs to change.” Jinx slapped the table. “You’re a screaming hot ginger. You need to own that.”

“Sounds like an adult beverage.”

“That’s awesome.” Ivy pulled out her phone. “I’m totally writing that down. We’ll find a bartender to create it.”

“God save me.”

Jinx stood up. “God has no place in Sin City, baby.”

Chloe looked up at her. “I don’t like that look in your eye.”

Jinx hauled her sister up. “The longer your butt sits in that chair, the shorter your skirt is on the dress I deem worthy for tonight’s festivities.”

Chloe got up. “All right, all right. No need to get so bossy.”

She let them drag her across the unbelievably sparkly marble and obsidian checkered floors to Luxe’s gilded doors. Chloe’s stomach dropped. Yeah, that wasn’t going to be a cheap place. No twenty dollar dresses on the clearance racks for this shop.

Jinx braceleted Chloe’s wrist as she began to back up. “Oh no, you don’t.”

“We can definitely find someplace cheaper.”

Ivy and Jinx hauled her through the doors. “We have permission remember, Pollyanna?” Jinx scanned the faces in the shop. “Who’s Meri?”

A woman with long, sun-kissed brown hair came forward. “I’m Meredith.”

“Suzanne sent us.”

Meri’s polite smile widened. “I just got the text. She said you girls were a lot of fun.”