“Don’t get too used to it,” Chloe muttered.

“Live a little.” A little wrinkle formed between Ivy’s eyes. “You used to know how to have fun.”

Before the baby. Before Snake died. Before Snake…


She shook her head. There were good times with Snake. Lots of them. She was just swimming in the crappy memories today. And she was tired of it. “I’m so ready to live it up this weekend. This weekend I’m not a mommy, not an ex-fiancée, or a responsible member of society.”

“Now this is more like it.” Jinx linked her arm with Chloe’s.

They all marched toward the door. Chloe meant to stop to get her purse, but Ivy and Jinx hauled her out of the room. They linked arms with Chloe in the middle as they strutted down the hall, and laughter bubbled out of her chest.

God, when was the last time she laughed? At least when it didn’t apply to Axl. He was the light of her life and made every day bearable. But she’d rarely taken time to do anything for herself. Everything was for her little boy.

Nick honestly wanted her to have some fun this weekend, and she would not feel guilty about it.

Ivy slapped the down button on the elevator. The big car was gilded and over the top. The back of the elevator had a huge painting that depicted the shark tanks that were part of the hotel. Everything about this hotel was over the top.

Hell, everything about Vegas was over the top.

For once, she wasn’t going to feel like the little red and gold fish at the bottom of the picture. She was going to be the shark this time.

Ivy and Jinx poured over the pamphlet, picking out things for them to do. She tried to block out the mud masks, and sea wraps. She would do it all.

The doors opened to the thirty-sixth floor. The entire floor was the spa.

Her eyes bulged as Jinx dragged her through the doors.

“Welcome, ladies. Room number?”

“Forty-one-oh-eight,” Ivy said.

Jeeze. She already had it memorized? She wasn’t even sure she had the room key in her pocket, let alone know the number.

A very perky, very tiny blond smiled from behind the jade desk. Chloe was pretty sure it was actually jade, or at least marble of some kind. A large gold and red dragon covered the wall behind her. “Miss Adams, and Miss Johnson…both of you?”

Jinx smiled. “That’s us. Sisters.”

“Perfect. I’ll just need you to scan your room key here.” She pushed out a little reader.

Crap. She didn’t have her purse.

Jinx pulled a spare room key out of her ass pocket. “Here we go.”

Well, at least someone was prepared. The little machine beeped and the woman’s smile grew wider. “Excellent. You have full access to the facilities. Janet, Suzanne, and Emily will be your technicians.”

Three woman seemed to materialize out of nowhere. They all wore seafoam green smocks and khakis, along with discreet gold name tags over the establishment’s embroidered logo. Suzanne came forward, her smile wide in her exotically beautiful face. She had bright gray eyes that seemed to glow from her mocha cream skin. “We’re going to fix you right up.”

God, did she look that bad?

“Don’t even think that thought.” Suzanne clutched Chloe’s fingers. “I can see it in your dark eyes. Really pretty eyes, by the way. Just need a little shaping of those brows.”

She immediately smoothed the pad of her finger over her brows. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d actually remembered to tweeze.

“Stop. That’s what we’re here for. To pamper you and make you feel as beautiful on the outside as you do on the inside.”

Chloe straightened her shoulders. “Pamper away. I’m not going to argue.”