“Damn right.”

They all laughed and Chloe caught Nick craning his neck to check on her. She lifted her glass in his direction. He gave her the half grin that had gotten her panties around her ankles as a teenager.

Yeah, she didn’t need any lusty thoughts about a rockstar. Past or present, thank you very much.

Chapter 5

“Did you see this view?” Ivy screeched.

Chloe pushed her bangs out of her eyes. The trip in from the airport to the Mandalay Bay Resort had been a long one. Traffic on the strip had been hideous, but they’d ended up drinking a bottle of champagne during the limo ride. Two drinks and champagne was already catching up to her.

She widened her eyes until everything came back into focus. Their room was ludicrous. Two huge headboards dominated the queen-sized beds. She dropped her hand-me-down luggage onto the floor. She didn’t dare put it on the lush white bedding.

She followed Ivy to the window and her stomach dropped. The entire Vegas strip was in front of her. The sun was still beating down on the world. It had a different feel than look at night with all the neon. Snake had brought her there once. A long bus ride and a low-end hotel on the strip had been the highlight of their relationship.

She was pretty sure that was where Axl had been conceived actually.

Hmm. Funny how life changed in a few short years.

Now she was in a gilded showcase of a hotel that catered to the rich and famous. Her son’s godfather was a millionaire, and her fiancé…well, he was gone.

She placed her palm against the glass. Snake would have loved this kind of place. He longed for the big time, just never wanted to work for it. He was more interested in talking about being a musician than following the passion of being one. Her eyes pricked as she shut out the tangle of cars and towering buildings.

She hated to think badly of him.

Hated that he’d left her with so many questions. Just when she thought their lives were turning around, he went and died on her. He’d left her alone again, this time with a little person who counted on her for everything.

“Okay, we need to book time in the spas.”

Chloe dabbed at her eyes and turned to Jinx. She had two brochures in each hand. Each place looked more expensive than the last. “Did you gain a sugar daddy that I’m not aware of?”

Jinx leaped onto the bed closest to the window. “Live a little.”

“I have to live within a budget.”

“Actually, no, you don’t.” Ivy waved a card propped on the six-foot-long bureau. She tucked her honey-blond hair behind her ear before clearing her throat. “Enjoy yourselves and don’t think about money. The tab is on me. Nick.”

Chloe crossed the room to snatch the note out of Ivy’s hand. “No way.”

Ivy cocked her hip and grinned, her dimples winking. “Yes, way.”

Jinx crowed. “Yes! Salon, spa, and shopping!”

“No. We are not taking advantage of Nick’s generosity.”

“Hell yes, we are.” Jinx bounced off the bed. “When the hell are we going to get the opportunity to be spoiled like this again?”

“This is being spoiled.” Chloe whirled, arms out. “This room is us being spoiled.”

Jinx came up in front of her and gripped her shoulders. “Anything we spend is a thumbnail of a fraction of what rockstars spend on their own.”

Chloe’s stomach flipped. “You don’t know Nick. He’s frugal. A penny-pincher even. There’s no way he would give me an unlimited spending account.”

Ivy lifted a notepad off the dresser. “Funny, that’s what this says. Charge everything to your room number, that’s an order.”

Chloe shook her head. “You’re just making that up.”

Jinx swiped the paper out of her sister’s hand before Chloe could. “Looks like a dude’s handwriting to me.”