It scared her how much she liked it.

“Is there more to it?”

She turned to her dad. “I don’t know. He’s a musician for God’s sake. I don’t exactly have the best track record with them.”

“Is he like William?”

“No—not at all actually. Well, except for the partying.”

Her father pressed his lips together.

“Not like that, Dad. Michael isn’t into that stuff. I can’t gauge everything since most of the time we were in Vegas. And Vegas isn’t exactly soda and pretzels, you know?”

“I don’t expect you to be alone for the rest of your life. And neither should you. You’re still so young, Chloe. Being a mother doesn’t mean you aren’t interested in dating.”

She laughed. “Dating. How I wish it was just dating.” She rubbed her thumb along the ring in her pocket. “I can’t even explain what happened in Vegas. It’s just…” she trailed off.

Her dad patted her hand. “You know you don’t have to explain it to me.”

“I know.” She twisted her fingers around his for a second before letting them go. “And I’m not like that. Maybe because you and mom were so…” She didn’t want to bring up old wounds, but there was a reason she didn’t do a lot of heavy drinking. Axl was a huge reason of course, but even before she’d gotten pregnant she’d been more of the designated driver than the partier in her circle of friends.

Between her junkie mom and her dad being drunk most of the time, she didn’t chase the party scene like a lot of her friends had. One of the main reasons she’d ended up with Nick for a little while. They had bonded over their crappy parents. He didn’t expect her to get drunk to have a good time. He’d been more than happy to split a six pack of soda instead of beer.

“Your mom and I had our demons, but I was glad you didn’t inherit them.”

“But I did drink and then I somehow married this guy. I barely know him.”

“There’s obviously something going on between you two.”

She scrunched down in her seat, crossing her arms over her purse. “I know. That’s the part I don’t know what to do about. Who gets married before they get to know someone? Even drunk I’d never do something so crazy. But I don’t remember.”

He pulled into the parking lot at Rafferty’s, parked, and turned to her. “He didn’t drug you, right?”

“No. No, I’m sure he didn’t have anything to do with it, but I can’t be sure we didn’t get something at the party. It would explain so much because Michael doesn’t remember anything either. He might be a little more out of control with his friends. Hello, rockstar, but the blackout thing seems really suspicious for us both to have.”

“I wish you’d told me.”

“Come on, Dad.”

“I know. You’re embarrassed and pissed about it, but you still should have told me.”

“Oh, hey Dad, I went to Vegas with my friends and totally partied my face off then got married. Okay, thanks for watching my kid. I’m off to work now!” Her voice was shrill enough that she made herself take a breath. “God, this is so crazy.”

“Is it the wild weekend that’s crazy? Or the fact that you’re starting to like your husband?” Her dad scrubbed his hands over his face. “Now, I sound crazy.”

“Both,” she said miserably.

He laughed. “I know you loved William. Many times I had to ask myself why, but that’s not what I’m trying to get at right now. You can love more than one person in your lifetime. He’s gone. It’s okay to let yourself care about someone new.”

“But maybe Michael is even worse for me. I mean look at all that’s happened since I met him.”

“And it’s all bad?”

“Well, no.”

“Don’t be so fired up to end things. Take some time to figure it out.”

“It’s not just me that I’m worried about.”