“You’re my wife—”

“Don’t say that so loud. There are freaking reporters everywhere.”

“I believe that particular cat has streaked out of the bag, Red.”

“Chloe, the keg is kicked. Can you change it over?”

She swung her gaze to Wanda. “Yeah. I got it.” She dragged him down to the other side of the bar. “You know what people think of me right now? That I’m married to a cheater. A cheater.” Again. “I have a kid to worry about.” She ducked under the bar.

He took a step back. She tried not to notice the very firm thighs he had going on under his board shorts. Or that he was wearing Chucks instead of stupid dress shoes like most guys in L.A.. Nope, she definitely wasn’t going to notice that about him.

“Where are you going?”

“To grab a keg.”

He looked around “Don’t you have guys for that?”

“You think I can’t lift one?”

“No, of course not. Just, you know…you shouldn’t have to.”

“You probably haven’t lifted a keg in your entire life.”

“Sure I have. For parties.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” She glanced around. “Amber, can you cover the bar for a sec? I need to change an empty.”

“Sure, sure.” Amber sauntered over, making sure to put a bit more of a sway in her step. “Who’s your friend?” She frowned, then looked closer. “Oh, I know who you are.” She jerked her shoulders back until her boobs were pressed forward for maximum effect.

Chloe rolled her eyes and went around her. “I’m going to take my break after I change it over. I’ll be back in fifteen.”

“Hi. Um, I’m just going to…Yeah, with her.” Michael jogged after her. “Does she do that a lot?”

“What? Make sure men check out her boobs? Yes. I’m sure you did.”

He lengthened his stride until he was right beside her. “Well, I kinda had to, but I like yours better.”

“Are you sure you’re not high?”

“Of course not.” He whipped off his sunglasses again and hung them on his shirt. “And they’re perfect. Next to your hair and cute freckles, it’s my favorite feature. At least until I get my face between your thighs. I need a little refresher there.”

Her nipples instantly tightened. She stopped so fast that he bumped into her. “Really? Could you say it a little louder?”

“What?” He curled his arm around her waist.

“Back up, buddy.”

He grinned down at her as his hand slid down to her butt. His sea colored eyes danced as he waggled his eyebrows. “You look hot in these jeans too. Forgot to tell you.”

Chloe knocked his hand away and spun away from him. She was not going to focus on the fact that she wanted to curl into his very distracting chest.

“That Amber chick knows I’m your husband right?”

“Would you stop saying that?”

“Doesn’t make it any less true. Even if you want to ignore it.” He crowded her into the wall beside the door to the cooler. “Would you hold up for a second?”

“Did you notice how busy it was?” She peered up at him. “Or haven’t you ever had a real job?”