“He’s up in the room at the top of the stairs, if you want to take a peek.” Then she bit her lip. “Maybe I should call Chloe first. We’re friends, but she really didn’t want to say much about you, even when I asked. Your whirlwind courtship has been all over the news, but she told me you have actually known each other for years.”

Alas, known of and known were two very different things. He understood why Chloe had indicated they had prior history. The whole married in a weekend thing—not so kosher.

He wasn’t even sure they knew each other in the Biblical sense, for fuck’s sake. Well, he knew her pussy. He’d had his fingers inside her, and she’d been so warm and tight. Her clit had been so swollen and—

Okay, moving on.

“Yes, we’re quite familiar with each other. So, top of the stairs?”

“Right. Maybe I’ll just call her, make sure she’s okay with this.”

“No, please. Keep it secret. I want it to be a surprise I’m here.” He used his winningest smile on Lori, and she nodded reluctantly.

“All right. Go on up. Holler if you need anything or if he fusses. He has his bottle, but his diaper might need a change soon.”

No, no diapers. There was trial by fire and then there was being roasted alive and eaten by poo-flinging ants.

Michael nodded and went up the narrow flight of stairs, then entered the room she’d indicated.

Axl was asleep on the center of a circular rug.

He wore overalls, a blue T-shirt, and red Keds. His hair was almost as red as the shoes, and just as red as Chloe’s. So she didn’t dye it. He’d suspected as much.

Thinking about her pussy while in full view of her son seemed wrong. But he was definitely curious about getting a nice long look.

Ruminating on Chloe’s girlscapin

g was much more inviting than stepping into the room. He’d started to, then paused half in and half out.

Michael glanced down at his hand and realized he was clutching the doorframe. Not that he was scared of the baby or anything.

Scratch that. He was terrified.

He took another step into the room and gave in to the urge to kneel beside Axl. Close, but not close enough to disrupt his nap.

Michael had seen him before, of course. He just hadn’t paid any attention. Just like he hadn’t paid much attention to Chloe.

How could that be, when their existence had rapidly begun to take up his world?

Michael must’ve made a noise, because Axl lost his hold on the bottle clamped firmly in his hand and started to whimper. Michael tried to tuck it back into the boy’s hand, but Axl’s eyes popped open and he started to cry. Loudly.

No, he was shrieking too. Okay, this was becoming a pattern.

Michael moved to the door and called down to Lori. “Help, I think I broke him.” He tried to call softly but urgently.

Axl wasn’t mollified by Michael’s attempts to be quiet. He continued to sob.

Instead of Lori coming up a moment later, the one who appeared was Chloe. She was red-faced and winded, and immediately charged over to pick up her son. She then proceeded to shelter him in her arms and glare at Michael as if he’d caused the baby’s distress. Which he had, kind of. Somehow. He’d probably breathed too hard or something. God knew he was panicked enough to be wheezing.

“Why are you here?” Chloe demanded.

“Because you’re my wife,” he said simply. “And I want you and Axl to come live with me.”

Chapter 16

He’d been watching Mickey’s Christmas Adventures for two hours. Actually, two and a half. He didn’t know if he was viewing a television season, a series of movies or experiencing an extended psychedelic trip minus the ‘shrooms.

He hadn’t even been fed yet, though Axl had eaten a sandwich—the innards at least, as he hadn’t seemed overly impressed with the bread—scarfed down a pudding cup with his fingers, and was now working on another bottle of juice.