“He’s a grown ass man. Why do you have to do anything?”

“It’s my job.”

“Is it your job to shake off his dick when he pisses too? Jesus.”

“You’re such an asshole.”

“You knew that going in, sweetheart.” Lila tried to stand up and Nick blocked her path. “Stop getting all twisted about this and tell me the problem.”

“Not when you’re like this.”

“Obviously you need to get it off your chest. Husband 101, woman. I know my role.”

She gave an exasperated laugh. “Did I mention you’re an ass?”


Lila blew out a breath.

Chloe held hers. Lila really couldn’t think she’d done this on freaking purpose. There was no way she could think that badly of her. Could she?

“Look, I just found out about this.” Lila’s voice was getting more agitated.

“Well, stop being a pussy about it. Spit it out.”

“Honestly, Nicholas.”

“What? It’s not like he married someone in the b

and, right? Juliet gets her grind on with Michael sometimes, but I didn’t see anything more than that. Besides we don’t need another Reese in the damn mix do we? Margo is the least crazy out of that family and she decided marrying Simon was a good idea. Obviously they’re a little touched in the head.”

Chloe’s heart stopped. Juliet? In the band?

Memories from the show came back to her and he’d definitely been familiar with the girls. Maybe a bit more than that with Juliet, but he wouldn’t…

Wouldn’t what? She didn’t know a damn thing about Michael Shawcross. He could be playing musical beds with every one of the women in his band for all she knew. It was none of her business.

Umm, married?

No. Not married. Accidentally legally bound.

Her phone vibrated in her hand. She looked down automatically. Her dad, checking in for an arrival time. She’d forgotten to text him with all the eavesdropping dammit. She opened the text and smiled for the first time since she’d sat down. A picture of Axl with his face covered in s’mores filled her screen.

Definitely a keeper.

She added it to her Axl folder and backed out to her main picture stream. Her thumb froze over the lock button. What the hell were those? She flicked over to the first picture from the night before. A candid shot of her and the girls at the show. A drunk selfie she’d taken of her with the concert as her backdrop.

She never took selfies—well her and Axl smushed together in a picture didn’t count.

She was actually wild and smiling with a crazy happy look on her face in the picture. She didn’t look tired for once. Actually even semi-attractive. Was that who Michael had seen last night?

Chloe was so used to being seen as a mom, that the mere fact she looked like a young carefree woman seemed more terrifying than the ring burning a hole in her pocket. That Chloe was trouble. She was the Chloe who stayed out all night with Snake and watched the dawn come up over the beach with an empty forty between them in the sand. She was the Chloe who lost days on a random cross country trip with Snake while he’d been on a coke-spree. And that Chloe had believed it was all right to live vicariously through him. She’d never been one to use, instead her drug had been Snake.

Not her life anymore.

That Chloe had been replaced with a mother, and a responsible member of society, dammit.

She thumbed to the next picture. A close-up of her and Michael filled the screen. A light flashed behind them, leaving them both with the hint of a halo around their heads and pure alcohol swimming in their eyes. Soft, hazy eyes brimming with fun.