“You okay?” He frowned and picked up Axl, setting him beside him on the large hay bale he was sharing with Chloe. “You’re not getting motion sick, are you?”

“It’s only a few minutes more. I’m fine.”

“Just throw up over the side if you have to.”

Chloe shook her head. “Really?”

“I’m just saying, if you have to you’re in nature’s bathroom. Aw, hey, pal, look at that.” Michael pointed at a display of lit up pumpkins. “Like yours, Ax-man.”

Axl bounced and clapped, already wiggling to get down. “Nope, you gotta stay here. Can’t run around on this thing. Hey look, scarecrows.”

“Scarecows.” Axl grabbed Chloe’s knee and shook it forcibly enough to make her groan. “Look.”

“Oh, I’m looking.” She poked Michael in the side. “Those are for you.”

“What’s for me?”

“The scarecrows. Count them.”

“Huh?” He narrowed his eyes as the wagon rumbled past the large display. “There’s one. The other two are baby ones, which are cute but don’t really count.”

“Tell that to my belly.” Chloe rested her head on Michael’s shoulder. “So it turns out we don’t need the babymaking room after all.”

Michael was too busy trying to restrain Axl to hear her at first. The kid had turned into a rocket determined to launch off the hay. “Easy, kid. Stop jumping around. You’re what?”

“Three scarecrows. Think about it.”

Chloe’s testy voice broke into his consciousness just as they lurched over another bump and she went flying into his side. He stared at her incredulously while he shifted Axl onto his belly on his lap. His little arms and legs pumped as he flailed to get free, but he was just going to have to wait a dang second.

“No,” Axl howled. “Nooooo.”

“You’re—” Michael’s gaze dropped to where her stomach was hidden by her jacket and the darkness. “No.”



Chloe let out an exasperated laugh. “Okay, Axl Senior.”

“You’re not kidding?”

“You just told me to puke in nature’s bathroom because I have all day sickness. Do you think I’m kidding?”

“Oh. Oh wow. Holy shit.” He let out a whoop and pressed a hard kiss to Chloe’s mouth before jerking unsteadily to his feet. He’d used to surf in the Pacific. This was kind of like that—

if you were delirious. “Guess what? I’m going to be a father—again.”

While the rest of the surprised riders clapped and cheered for him, Michael hoisted Axl high.

Then he toppled onto his ass on the floor of the wagon, and Axl landed securely in his lap. And they both started to laugh.

Chloe covered her face with her hands. “What have I done?”

Once he’d gotten his wind back, Michael leaned over to kiss her knee. “Made me the happiest father on the planet. Hey, can we call her Rose if it’s a girl? It’d be perfect, don’t you think?”

“Rose is a nice name—” Then she glared at her husband. “I’m too nauseous to get your obnoxious jokes.”

“Come on, Axl and Rose. If they both have red hair, it’ll be even better.”