“You got it. The way it’s looking, I won’t have my wife back next month or anytime, so you don’t have to worry.” He lifted his glass to salute Mal.
That it happened to be filled with last night’s water seemed particularly cruel, but whatever. At least he’d kept his oath not to drink alcohol.
He hadn’t touched a freaking drop.
His phone buzzed at his hip and he pulled it out. Lila. That was surprising not at all.
“One of these days you’re going to have to answer her,” Mal said.
“Why? You didn’t.”
“I can withstand a barrage from a woman way longer than you can, little brother. Might as well ante up and get it over with already. Maybe she’ll have good news for you about the little woman.”
Michael’s brain was fuzzy from crappy sleep. Mal’s couch sucked. “You mean Elle?”
“No, I mean your would be wife.”
“She’s not would be. She’s my will be wife—if she ever speaks to me again.”
Mal snorted. “Right.”
Michael took Lila’s call. “I have good news. Mal’s in the band.”
“Temporarily,” Mal added, walking to the doorway.
“Temporarily possibly forever.”
“Temporarily,” Mal repeated, offering Michael a raised middle finger on his way out of the room.
“Well, that’s some good news at least. Now when are you getting your ass back to LA?”
Michael pulled at a loose thread on his jeans. Showering and changing his clothes had become optional since he’d been at Mal’s. As had been taking note of how long he’d actually spent channel surfing on that crappy sofa. “I don’t know yet. I need some time, L.”
“What you need is Chloe back. And yes, I’m surprised I’m saying this too, but more than ever, I’m convinced you need that girl in your life. Whatever it takes, make it happen. Consider it a public service for your band and the world at large.”
Michael nearly smiled. “That ball is in her court. Talk to her.”
“Oh, I will be. Don’t you worry. And since I’m fairly certain you have no intention of coming to the award show, I’ll say this much—make sure you’re watching. We’re expecting some pretty big revelations.”
“Big revelations, huh?” Michael fought back a yawn as he heard the shower turn on down the hall. Guess he’d have time to finish his nap, since Mal was occupied. “That sounds ominous.”
“It just might be. Make sure you’re watching, Michael. I mean it.” She clicked off.
He rolled onto his back and tossed his phone on the coffee table. He might not have heard a word from Chloe, but at least he’d snared Mal for the time being.
Looked like he’d be glued to the TV tonight.
Chapter 30
“Mika, Mama. Chopter.”
“I know, sweetie. We can do yoga chopper. Finish up your oatmeal and we’ll—”
Axl’s shriek sliced through her brain. Honestly, he’d been good for most of the last few weeks, but there were moments when he fixated on Michael. When Axl wanted his chopper rides of course. Story time had a few backfires, and one awful night where he’d been certain a monster was going to attack him in the hours between midnight and dawn.
It had taken staying up until dawn to prove that Michael had indeed slain the monster all those months ago.