She’d read an article about babies and the positive effects of yoga. She read a lot of damn articles these days. She really wasn’t used to having extra time on her hands.

Chloe put him down in the largest area of the living room. The tears kept coming, fat and flowing. Great. She ran for the bag with the mat and video in it. “Want to play with Mama?”

He tipped his head to the side. “Chopter.”

She pulled out the smaller kid’s mat and then hers. “Let’s try something.”

He shoved his hand into his mouth and landed on his butt.

“All right, that’s a yes in my book.” She scooped him up and ran with him into Michael’s bedroom. When he laughed, she tossed him into the middle of the bed. He bounced and the crocodile tears disappeared into giggles.

She wiggled out of her jeans and shirt, and swapped them for the workout clothes she’d ordered last weekend. Amazon Prime was the single best thing on the planet.

Axl clapped his hands when she put on the yoga pants. They had planes all over them. “Like these?”



“Chopter.” He said it with so much glee that she couldn’t stop laughing. “Let’s go do some exercise. How’s that?” She swung him onto her hip and danced her way into the living room. She plucked the video out of the bag. “Mommy and Me Yoga,” she read aloud from the cover.


“Right. Mama and me?” she prompted.

“Me,” he parroted.

“You got it. Now, how did we do this again?” Michael had about eight plugs set up for the television. She didn’t know a television could have that many cables. Then again, he had a surround sound system that required an engineering degree to use.

She slid the disk in and hoped for the best.

“Miracle of automation.” The DVD player switched the system to the right channel or whatever. An unnaturally bubbly voice came through the television. “We might have to kill her, but we’ll give it a try.”

She got on the floor and set Axl next to her. “Watch.”

His huge dark eyes soaked up the colors of the women on the screen. He started clapping when the music started. After an initial warm up, she ended up in a few poses that she and Axl both giggled through.

She really wasn’t aware that she could bend like that. And she might have lost her balance midway through some stork position, but Axl was having a good time. And freaking hell, she was sweating her ass off. When they got to floor positions, her kid was in heaven as she used her feet to hoist him up over her.

See? Now she could do the chopter, dammit.

She didn’t need Michael.

The door opened when she was in the middle of lowering him close to her chest and going for another rep.

“Well, well. What do we have here?”

Axl shrieked and his arms went out for Michael immediately. Michael lifted him off her knees and immediately started zooming him around the room. Chloe’s feet dropped to the mat and she collapsed spread-eagle-style. Yoga wasn’t for wimps, man. She was dripping.

Michael set Axl down a few minutes later, getting down on the floor to tickle him into howls of laughter. Then he crawled over to her. “Mama Bear is sexy.”

“I’m sweaty and gross.”

He caged her on the floor. “Hot.”

She pushed at his chest. “Get off, sicko.”

Michael inched back before he lowered his mouth to her belly. “Salty and delicious.” He roamed over to her side and nipped at the little bit of flesh showing above her yoga pants. He peered at the television, and his eyebrows rose. “Yoga, huh?”