She shook her head. Axl was the focus, not all of…him. God, she was a terrible mother. How could she have blinked out like that? She turned a full circle and finally spotted her jeans on a chair near the window.

Without curtains, because why would this man-child have curtains? He probably didn’t even have matching dishes. What the hell was she thinking?

She spotted a folded T-shirt on top of a pile of laundry and quickly put it on. She did not need some crazy high powered lens taking pictures of her mom body. She’d been lucky enough that her good genes had helped her bounce back after having Axl. That and walking everywhere kept her body trim and strong. Unfortunately, she didn’t have time in her day to do things like pilates and yoga like all the women with their tight little bodies these days.

Finally, she found her jeans and got her phone out of her pocket. Two missed calls. She curled her fingers around the phone and tapped against her forehead. Bad mom. She blew out a breathy groan as she noticed the time. Seven.

She quickly dialed Lori who picked up on the second ring. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine. He and Shelby passed out watching Finding Nemo. Everything’s just fine.”

Chloe collapsed onto the edge of the bed. “It was the worst day ever yesterday.”

“I can’t believe that rat bastard evicted you.”

She flopped back on the bed lengthwise and let her head hang off the side. It was rather nice to have so much room to stretch out. Her twin bed definitely didn’t rate against this bit of indulgence. “I can.”

Michael set her bag beside the bed. He gave her a look, then glanced down at his lengthening erection. “We’ll try that position later.”

She rolled her eyes at him. Seriously, he only thought with that thing. She ignored the fact that her body fluttered in reaction. Taking him in her mouth last night had been far more exciting than it should have been. Honestly, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed giving a man a blow job. Then again Michael had been very focused on her. She barely remembered if she’d managed to pleasure him. His taste flooding her mouth was proof that he’d enjoyed himself somewhat, but then again most men

It wasn’t like she hadn’t had a satisfying sex life before Michael, but…

Yeah, well but.

Not the same. Not at all the same, which also worried her. What exactly did they have when the sex faded? Because sexual afterglow always faded.

“Where are you? Who’s that?”

She shook off that line of thought. It sure as heck wasn’t helping her right now. “I’m with Michael.”


“Don’t get excited.”

“I do believe I overheard something about a position. I expect details, because I’m living vicariously through you.”

“David will be home soon.”

Lori sighed. “Not soon enough. Now that you’re not here, I’m thinking about going back to base housing.”

“You hate the base.”

“I know, but the neighborhood is getting worse. You were really the only thing keeping me here.”

Chloe flipped over onto her stomach. “I don’t know that this will be permanent. I could be right around the corner again in a week.”

Michael tugged at her hair, then crouched in front of her. “You, me, and the kid. It’s permanent. I swear it, Red.”

Chloe had to blink away the quick rush of tears.

Lori laughed. “Girl, you’re toast.”

“Shut up.”

Michael stood. “Meet me in the shower, Mrs. Shawcross.”

“Toast,” Lori said in a singsong voice.