Her breasts were her best asset, besides her brain. Not that anyone she knew would’ve guessed she felt that way. Unfortunately her brain took second billing because she couldn’t show it off in cleavage-enhancing clothing.

“It’s sexy as fuck.” Tony leaned down and kissed the side of her neck, leaving a wet, hot trail behind. Definitely not the only part of her hot and wet. “Just like you.”

“Speaking of sexy and fucking,” both men chuckled, “did you tell Cale about my book?” she asked.

Discussing her book helped distract her from the knowledge Cale was coming to Kink with them. She’d wanted a chance for the three of them to get down and dirty and this scenario was working out better than she could’ve planned. But still. What if she was biting off more than she could chew? Or swallow?

“Your sex manual? Of course he did. He wanted to sign me up as your research partner when he needs a break.” Though Cale was grinning and so was Tony, Marcia noted an obvious charge in the air. And this charge sparked between all three of them.

“Oh you did, hmm?” She glanced at Tony, trying to peer into his head. Did he know she wanted a threesome? Was he being his typical wonderful self and offering to let her do whatever she needed to feel good? Or did he want to share her with Cale?

She sighed. Too many damn questions. She’d have to start getting some answers soon or her head would explode.

“I did. You know you want to sleep with him, Marsh.”

The bald statement reverberated in the room, bringing a sharp flush to her cheeks that quickly spread to the rest of her body. She started to object until her libido prevailed.

She wanted this. Wanted Cale. And there he was, right in front of her in his sweaty T-shirt for the taking.

“Yes.” She took a deep breath. “I do.”

“But?” Tony prompted.

“But only with you there.” Though she looked directly at Cale, she addressed Tony. “I’m not looking to hop beds. I’d rather share them.” She attempted a smile as another uncomfortable rush of anxiety shot through her system. At least she sounded calm. “Now that my panties are on the doorknob, what about you two?”

Cale set down a length of shelving and dusted his hands on his hips. “Surely you’re not asking if I want you, Blondie. I think all three of us know I’ve wanted you since the first day we met.” When she only stared at him blankly, he added, “Don’t you remember? You asked me if I had money for the vending machine then spent my ten even though you only needed a buck.”

Marcia couldn’t help but laugh. “I forgot my lunch. I paid you

back, didn’t I?” Even as she responded, his statement played on a continuous loop in her head.

Surely you’re not asking if I want you, Blondie.

Hearing it said aloud, seeing the truth in his glacier-blue eyes—oh boy, she hoped she could make it to the club without spontaneously having an orgasm.

“Yeah, makes sense that would turn you on.” Tony shook his head, smiling. “Masochist? You? Never.”

“More like I appreciate a woman with balls.”

Marcia sucked in a deep breath as Cale came closer and tipped her face up to his. He and Tony were only a few inches taller than her five-six, plus her two-inch pumps. Even so, she felt as if she had to crane her neck to meet his eyes.

“Though I have to say,” his gaze dropped, “I appreciate those gorgeous tits more.”

She wet her lips and didn’t reply. But her racing pulse and hard nipples said plenty.

“Gorgeous doesn’t cover it, man. Trust me.” Tony tugged at the flimsy top of her dress, exposing her miniscule pink lacy bra. “Go ahead,” he encouraged Cale.

“Shouldn’t the lady tell me to go ahead?”

“Thank you,” she said, directing her attention to her lover. So much was said in the look they shared. She conveyed her gratitude for his setting up the threesome she hadn’t had the nerve to ask for and also for taking the lead when she wasn’t quite sure of herself. “Go ahead,” she added softly to Cale.

Tony kissed her forehead, the gesture surprisingly tender considering what they were about to do. “My pleasure,” he murmured while Cale’s long fingers freed her breasts.

“Gorgeous doesn’t cover it,” Cale agreed, staring so fixedly at her nipples that they lifted as if they were tugged by invisible pulleys.

“You can touch,” she said, her voice equally soft.

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he exchanged a glance with Tony. “Not yet,” he replied finally, closing the hooks he’d just undone. Then he pulled her dress back into place and shot her a grin loaded with promise. “We’ll save that for Kink.”