“There’s no easy way to say this.”

A tickle vibrated in the back of her throat. A minute ago she’d been concerned about him. But what if the problem was her? “Yes, there is. Straight out.”

“Tony went to talk to her today. The woman from last night.” More stroking, with the sides of his fingers now. “That drama with Kelly and her PDA last year at the store made Tony feel guilty about his involvement. He recriminated himself to death.”

Tony was such a sweetheart. Completely baffling to her sometimes but sweet just the same. “Kelly was fine. She didn’t hold a grudge about anything that went down. Besides, she got what she wanted—also known as my brother—so where was the harm in having a little fun? So we enjoyed a few laughs at her expense.” She shrugged. “Risk you run when you have a list of men you want to fuck. That should stay strictly mental.”

He didn’t smile. “You know Tony. He felt as if he behaved immaturely and this time he’s going to keep everything aboveboard.”

“That’s all well and good but isn’t it your place to talk to the woman you were…cropping or whatever the hell it’s called?” She knew damn well it wasn’t called cropping but he looked too serious and she wanted to make him grin.

No dice.

Cale glanced away, his lips firm and unyielding. “I’m not ready to go there. It’s too awkward. For chrissakes, how do you tell someone you were part of a scene with them the night before when they were blindfolded? She had no say in who touched her.”

“I got the impression she didn’t want to have a say. Isn’t that why she was blindfolded and facedown on the table?”

“Still. It makes a difference, especially when—”

“What?” she asked sharply, cold tentacles she recognized as fear unmercifully gripping her spine. “God, would you just tell me? I can fucking take it.”

Dark hair flashed into her mind, that waterfall of it spread over creamy shoulders. Long fingers tipped in blood-red nails. And the crack of the crop that only intensified her moans.

All at once the reality of the situation slammed home. Her boyfriend was privately meeting with a woman he’d seen practically naked the night before. One hell of a hot, kinky woman no less. He must’ve talked to her, arranged to meet her today. Was her lover even now cozied up with her at some corner restaurant table, making sure she was okay? How had he gotten her information? Worse, did he already know her?

“Tony’s talking to her and then he’s going to tell you who she is.” Cale curled her suddenly stiff fingers into his palm. “He wouldn’t ever keep something this big from you, Blondie.”

“Who was she?” she whispered.

He swallowed, hard. “It was Diana.”

* * * * *

Tony swallowed over the dryness in his mouth and lifted his hand to knock on Diana’s office door. This would not be a fun conversation. Unfortunately it was one he intended to have. If Cale didn’t want to say anything, he had to because he wasn’t about to lie to Marsh for any reason. This way Diana would have a heads-up.

If she moved fast, she might even have enough time to get out of the state before Marcia blew her cover. Or put out a hit on her.

“Come in.”

He strode inside and remained standing though she motioned for him to sit. “I’m going to close the door,” he said, not waiting for her to respond before doing so.

“If you have a problem with the new payroll deduction, see Lucy.”

“This isn’t a problem with payroll. It’s a personal matter.”

“Okay.” Diana leaned back in her highback chair, impeccable as always in a slate-blue suit with her dark hair in an elegant updo. If he hadn’t been paying such close attention, he might’ve missed her wince as she shifted in her chair.

No wonder. Those welts on her ass had to sting.

“Go ahead, Antonio,” she prompted.

She always called him Antonio. Never Tony. And now he was going to tell her he’d seen her naked and submitting to his best friend in front of a crowd? Was he nuts?

He had to get out of here before he risked his job. But if he walked, she’d have no warning about Marcia. He wouldn’t hide the truth from his girl, no matter who it would hurt. She was his first priority and she deserved his loyalty, boss or no boss.

“Did you have a nice vacation?” he asked rather than what he’d intended to say.

“It was lovely, thank you.”