Spencer hadn’t told her exactly what had happened between him and Diana when she’d returned to town and he’d subsequently ended things with Kelly. It had been months later when Kelly had finally spilled the beans to Marcia about how Diana had held Spencer’s job over his head and demanded he sleep with her again to keep it

. How he’d tried to go through with it and hadn’t been able to.

The wench had let him hold on to his job just the same but he’d lost months with Kelly. Eventually he’d walked away from the store altogether and he and Kelly were in a better place than they’d ever been. No thanks to Diana.

And now she’d somehow managed to slide right into position with Cale.

Marcia picked up the spiral notebook next to her hip. At a loss, she’d finally turned up the classic rock station and started writing freehand. Her laptop seemed to shut her down before she even got started. Something about using pen and paper had loosened the logjam inside her. Unfortunately the words that flowed hadn’t been the opener, but a later chapter about emotional intimacy.

Day two of her rocking writing career and she was already breaking the rules about writing in order. Figured.

It wasn’t half bad, she mused, rereading the pages she’d scrawled in her sloppy handwriting. She’d have fun deciphering some of her thoughts later, but it was a solid start. And if she’d been writing while thinking about her lover meeting with a woman she didn’t trust in any capacity whatsoever, well, maybe the chapter would benefit. When talking about the importance of connection during sex, it probably helped to be raw.

She definitely qualified.

The knock at her door didn’t make her jump. She’d been waiting for it, each muscle tensed and ready to spring. He would come. He’d said he would, and if she believed nothing else right now, she believed in Tony’s word.

She rose and crossed the room then opened the door and let him in. Stepping back, she slid her hands in the kangaroo pocket of her pink sweatshirt and registered his expression of disbelief.

“You own a sweatshirt?” His mouth didn’t gape but it was a close thing.

“Of course. Doesn’t every woman own one?” She smiled weakly. “I just bought it today. Thought it was appropriate mope-wear.”

His laughter as he drew her into his arms upended her world. The soft kiss he laid on her lips settled it. “Gotta say you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in cotton. But why are you moping?”

She didn’t say anything, just waited while he tipped up her chin and peered into her eyes. At least he didn’t have a bright light. Not that he needed one. He always saw right through her. Just like now.

“He told you,” he said after a moment.

“You knew he was coming over?”

“Sure. Best friend code. If you’re going on a solo visit to see the other’s girlfriend, you have to get clearance first.” His unexpected grin blinded her. “Still counts if you’ve slept with her.”

“You’ve got this all worked out,” she said, moving back. As much as she craved his solid warmth, she needed to stand on her own to figure out if she could stand with him. “It’s all so reasonable and adult. Are you sure you’re both only thirty?”

“Cale’s thirty-one actually.”

“Thanks for the clarification.”

He reached out and stroked her shoulder. “He can handle her,” he said quietly. “If he even wants to.”

She let out a laugh and shook her head, shocked to the ground by the stabbing pinpricks in her eyes. Hell no. She wouldn’t even think about getting damp-eyed over that bitch. It wasn’t her problem. She had to be hormonal.

“C’mere,” Tony murmured, tucking her head against his shoulder. Holding her there when she would’ve slipped away.

“I’m fine,” she said stubbornly, staring at her shaking fingers as they hooked in the front of Tony’s shirt. “I just know how she affects men. I know that when she crooks her little finger, they come running. Strong men, who normally wouldn’t be so goddamn stupid.” Her broken laugh exploded against his throat when she pressed her mouth to his skin.

God, this was Tony. Her Tony. Hers. And she wouldn’t share him. She’d die first.

“She didn’t have that effect on me,” he said against her hair. “Not even close. She’s attractive but that’s not what I see when I look at her.”

“Oh really. What do you see?” Marcia asked, unable to stifle the tremble in her voice.

“I see a woman who’s on the verge of cracking completely.”

“Only humans crack.” Like I’m about to.

“She’s very human. And she’s terrified of what you’re going to do to her.” He pushed a loose curl behind her ear. “You hold all the cards here, Marcia. She knows it too.”