“Only a little. You know him. He’s a traditionalist at heart.” Sex club screwing aside. And since Spencer and Kink s

quicked her out, she quickly diverted her thoughts back to the website. “But he saw the appeal in the VR one. So did Kelly. They’re ready to try it. A lot of people already think bookstores are a dying breed. Anything that makes them seem firmly rooted in the future is a good thing.”

“Well, hot damn. That site will be fun to finish putting together.” He leaned forward and gave her a brief kiss. “Thank you for using your considerable influence.”

She shrugged, her lips still tingling. A woman would have to be dead not to like kissing Cale. But it wasn’t even about that. Now that she’d slept with him, every action seemed to take on a significance it hadn’t before. Especially since she wasn’t sure how he was reacting. “I didn’t do anything. Just mentioned how much I loved the site and what amazing work you’d done. All true.”

Cale heaved out a breath when she aimed her gaze at the couch. “Are we going to be weird now?”

She laced her fingers together and hated that he had to ask. “If we’re honest with each other, no. We aren’t. We’re friends.”

“Good friends.”

“Yes. And I don’t want that to end.” She slanted him a glance. If they had a chance of going back to the way things were—or better yet, of being closer friends than ever—they had to lay their cards on the table. It was now or never. “You don’t have feelings for me, do you?”

Chapter Eleven

“Yeah, I do.” Cale’s eyes seemed particularly blue today. Chambray blue. “Tons of them.”


“I love you, Blondie.” He laughed huskily. “As a friend. That hasn’t changed now that I know just how good it feels to be inside you.” He rubbed his lips over her hair and she sighed. He made it really hard to stay anxious around him. “Really inside you.”

“Thank you for reminding me.”

“Welcome. So you gonna stop pressing your thighs together like you think I’m about to start diving for treasure?”

She couldn’t help laughing. “I am not. It’s just new.”

“Do you have feelings for me?”

“Many of them. Most are even positive.” She gave in to the urge to settle against his chest.

“Now see, that’s better, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is.”

He ran his hand down her hair and made a noise at the back of his throat, somehow managing to sound like a contented kitten and a rumbly male simultaneously. “We should talk about last night.”

“Without Tony?”

“This time, yeah. Because it’s about time for me to bow out of your relationship and there’s stuff I need to say before I go.”

“Uh oh. Stuff.”

“Even worse, big stuff.” He wound one of her curls around his thumb. “When are you going to tell him you’re in love with him?”

She toyed with one of his buttons to avoid looking at his face. She just knew those perceptive eyes would be trained on her, seeing things she didn’t want anyone to see. He’d never let her get away with burying her feelings like last year’s skinny jeans at the back of her closet. “Soon.”

“How soon?”


“Good. He loves you too.”

“You’re just full of knowledge all of a sudden, matchmaker.” She frowned at his serious expression. “I’m still not sure of that myself.”

“Trust me.”