She curled into him and tucked her head under his. Her breath tickled his throat as she stroked her hand up and down his arm. “I didn’t know,” she murmured. “I didn’t realize how much we had. The last few days, it all slammed home. That I need a place that’s just for me, that I want someone waiting there who wants me just as much. Someone who’ll always leave a light on and look forward to hearing about my day, even if I spend too much time talking about other people’s business.” She snuggled against him. “I want this, Tony. You and me, alone in the dark.”

Her sultry, sleepy voice curved around him, blanketing him in a warmth that had nothing to do with sex and everything with the space that belonged to them alone. God, maybe they really could have it all. She wanted what he did. Even if she hadn’t fully articulated it, he knew her heart as well as his own. Deep down, he got what made her tick. He could make her happy, as happy as she made him. It didn’t have to be complicated and they didn’t have to fight every damn night. They’d argued tonight but it hadn’t turned into some huge blowout. That showed how far they’d come. And they could go a lot further, if she only gave them a chance.

He rubbed his cheek against her hair, exhaustion pulling him down. He’d love to fall asleep just like this, with his world in his arms and her breaths matching his. First he had something he needed to say. “Baby, I… God, I love you.” At her silence, he closed his eyes and forged ahead. “I know you’re reluctant to put labels on things and I’m not interested in rushing you. All I need to hear is that you’re willing to put in the time to see where this goes. I have faith in us. And you’re so worth the wait.”

More silence, broken by a snuffling noise from Marcia. He’d finally scraped his soul bare.

Damn shame his girl had fallen asleep.

* * * * *

The sound of her buzzer made Marcia tug her pillow over her head and groan. It couldn’t be morning yet, could it? Where was Tony? He’d slept over. At least she thought he had.

She threw the pillow aside and glanced around blearily. After a moment her gaze landed on a folded note on the nightstand with her name on the front in her lover’s block printing.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

“I’m coming!” She rolled out of bed and started to reach for her robe, only to realize she was still wearing last night’s purple dress. Tony had hauled her into bed fully clothed and she hadn’t awakened until now.

She quickly opened Tony’s note and smiled at the single word written inside.


Sounded promising. And scary as hell.

The buzzer sounded again and she hurried down the hall. God, she must look awesome. She tucked the note in her bra and swiped her fingertips under her eyes. Raccoons probably had nothing on her.

Let it be the mailman with some random package. Or a traveling salesman peddling life insurance.

She swung open the door and swallowed at the sight of Cale, looking way too luscious in dark-gray jeans slouched over boots and a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

“You’re not the mailman,” she muttered.

“Nope.” He sounded entirely too cheerful considering it was early morning. At least it felt early. He swept his gaze up and down her body. “It’s also not still last night.”

“Yeah. I know.” She pushed a hand through her hair then stepped back and waved him inside. “Which means you should be at work, not seeing me looking like death. Something you will never tell anyone unless you want me to hurt you.” She shut the door behind him and leaned against it, surprised at the skitter of nerves down the back of her neck.

This wasn’t some stranger. This was Cale. Her pal. Your lover.

Again his gaze traveled down her body before returning to her face. The look wasn’t overtly sexual, merely curious. “You look great. Like you always do.”

“Uh huh. Anyway, to what do I owe this visit? And why aren’t you at work?”

“I took an early lunch. Can we sit down?”

“Can I take a shower and brush my teeth first?”

He smiled. “No. Sit down with me for a couple minutes.” He held out his hand and she took it, trying to ignore the sudden tightening in her throat.

Friends held hands, right? They even sat down side-by-side on the couch and leaned against each other when boy friend extended his arm around girl friend’s shoulders and pulled her close.

“So, ah, I forgot to tell you. I talked to Spencer yesterday. About the website,” she said, well aware her words were coming out in a rush. “He said you’d sent him the site comps you did.”

“Yeah. He left me a voicemail yesterday but I haven’t had a chance to get back to him. What did they think?”

“They loved your ideas.” She cocked her head and smiled. “Especially the Weebles. The VR site’s a go.”

“Yeah? Fucking awesome.” Cale grinned. “And you didn’t have to convince him?”