“Can you fucking believe the power trip he’s on? What the hell’s his deal?” Marcia whirled toward Tony and screwed up her mouth. “For that matter, what’s yours? I thought you always had my back.”

“I do.” He stroked a hand down her hair and tried not to rise to her bait. As far as he was concerned, this was way too much melodrama just to fuck. They had a bed at home and enough toys to entertain themselves for a week straight. Why go through all this? Just so people could gawk at them?

Yeah, that had been hot. Before. Now he was just bored.

He already knew who he wanted. Even the thing with Cale already seemed like it had reached its expiration date. Fine by him. He’d happily go home with his girlfriend and do it ’til the sun came up in the privacy of his own damn bedroom.

“What do you think he’s doing up there?” Marcia looked at the staircase then back at Tony.

“No clue.” Don’t care. “But I suppose you want to find out?” he asked when she continued to glance back and forth.

“He’s acting like a tool.” She narrowed her eyes. “Did you put him up to this?”

“For what reason?”

She threw up her hands. “How should I know?”

“I didn’t put him up to anything, Marsh. Have you ever known me to lie to you?”

She inhaled deeply. “No, you’re not a liar. I’m sorry for accusing you. I just don’t know what’s going on anymore.”

“Me either. Guess it’s either go with the flow or go create our own waves at home.” He pulled her close and brushed a kiss over her temple. “Your choice.”

“Why are you so damn good to me?” The annoyance in her question made him smile despite himself.

Because I love you. The words were right there but this wasn’t the place to say them. “You’re important to me,” he said instead, tightening his hold. “Very important.”

“You are to me too.” She spoke against his Adam’s apple, her mouth moving sensuously over his skin. “Tony, I—”

“Later, okay?” he murmured against her hair. Whatever she was going to say, he didn’t want to hear it here. Good or bad, this wasn’t the place for important revelations. “We’ll talk.”

She nodded before stepping away. The contemplative expression in her hazel eyes wasn’t a look he’d seen her wear often. “Let’s go see what he’s up to. Then we’ll go home. Okay?”

Home. Theirs. Would they ever share one? And how unreal was it that he was considering that question while, two feet away, a woman with a shaved head stroked her bare nipple and gazed adoringly at her seven-foot companion?

“Okay,” he said as he nudged Marcia ahead of him toward the stairs.

They made their way to the second level slowly, as if neither was in a particular rush to see what Cale was up to. Or maybe that was just Tony. He didn’t really care to know what had drawn Cale’s attention. Not when he was less interested in getting laid than in laying his feelings on the line.

Either he was getting old or growing up. Both possibilities were a little frightening.

Once they reached the lounge, Tony glanced around. Cale wasn’t anywhere in sight. The couch they’d occupied just a short while ago had been taken by four girls in tight tops and minis who barely looked old enough

to drink. They giggled loudly, their gazes darting everywhere at once.

“Steam room?” he murmured against Marcia’s hair.

“Maybe.” She jerked a shoulder. “Or the dungeon.”

“You test me.” He slid his hand down her arm until he could link his fingers with hers.

“It’s not my scene either,” she insisted as they crossed the room.

“I thought everything was your scene,” he teased, opening the door that led to the BDSM room.

“Me too but apparently—”

A sharp scream drowned out the rest of Marcia’s answer. She clutched Tony’s hand tighter as they stepped into the darkened room. The door clunked shut behind them.