“Was I on the phone?” Her dazed question made them both laugh. “Nobody important. I missed you,” she added to Tony, her voice coming out quieter than she’d intended.

“We both did,” Cale said in a high-pitched falsetto that earned him a chuckle from Tony and a slug in the gut from Marcia. “Especially since you brought reinforcements.”

“I even stopped off in the bathroom and washed it like you’re supposed to.” A sly grin lifted his lips. “Safety first.”

“Screw safety.” She shifted closer and locked her mouth on Tony’s, swallowing his surprised grunt. “Screw me.”

Chapter Nine

“Hey,” Tony murmured, trailing the dildo across her cheek. “Someone’s in a hurry.”

“Yeah, I am.” Marcia glanced at Cale and noted his pensive expression. No good. Tonight was strictly about sex. Or it would be soon.

Waiting until their eyes were firmly on her, she drew her dress up over her head and tossed it onto the couch. She placed one knee between Tony’s spread legs and the other between Cale’s. They both made sounds of approval while she rubbed against their hard thighs, gripping one shoulder each to stay balanced while she rocked.

“You’re so goddamn hot.” Cale flicked open her bra and buried his face between her breasts. She dipped her head back and stared at the pinprick lights on the ceiling as he licked and nuzzled. “Most gorgeous woman in here.”

She knew it wasn’t true, but the compliment warmed her just the same. Especially when Tony moved forward to suck on her painfully aroused nipple. “By far.”

“I want to eat you out again. Take those panties off.” Cale’s low demand made heat wash over her body. She fumbled the panties off her hips and rose, waiting for the guys to get into position. But Cale just motioned for her to stand next to the couch. “Foot up here,” he said, patting next to his head.

“Uh uh.” She shook her head. Getting naked in a room of strangers was one thing. But propping her foot on the back of the couch and leaning over him so that everything jiggled and bobbed was quite another. Was he nuts?

“Uh huh.” Tony set aside the dildo and moved behind her, cupping her ass in his broad palms. “I won’t let you fall.”

She looked back over her shoulder at her lover and swallowed over the constriction in her throat. No. He wouldn’t.

“Not shy, are you?” Cale eased forward and stroked her thighs, his amusement plain in the quirk of his lips. “You have a beautiful body. Why are you afraid to show it?”

”I’m not shy.” Even the word tasted bitter. And so what if some parts of her wobbled a bit? She wouldn’t be looking at them, now would she?

And she could always close her eyes.

Before she changed her mind, she assumed the position Cale had indicated. She was pretty agile but the burn in her leg muscles as he extended her leg so he could slide underneath made her suck in a breath. “Flex your foot,” Tony whispered in her ear, hands securely on her hips. Then Cale’s mouth was on her and she couldn’t think, period.

Now he was agile. Especially that stabbing, thrusting tongue that seemed to curve and bend in ways that defied the laws of…well, everything. He hunched his shoulders and slid way down low so he could drive inside her, his nose tickling her clit with each pass. She anchored her fingers in his hair and gasped, her eyes flying open for one second when he added his thumb into the mix.

People were watching. Tonight she couldn’t dismiss most of them as wanting to watch the guys, because they were both fully clothed. She was the one nude and on display. The one twisting and undulating from Cale’s fervent sucks on her sex. From the avid expressions on the scattered couples and singles around them, no one was checking her body for flaws.

“Feel good?” Tony reached around and covered her breast with his palm, rubbing briskly while he slid his cock up and down against her ass. He was hard for her, so hard, and the relief that sang through her almost overwhelmed her arousal. “Are you dripping for him, baby?”

She managed to turn her head to meet his probing gaze. His eyes were so dark again. Too dark. Her heart lurched. “For you,” she whispered.

A moan broke from her when Cale fixed his hungry mouth on her again. He didn’t build her orgasm slowly. Nope, this was already the lightning round and he was going for gold with open-mouthed, ravenous kisses on her quivering flesh.

He hadn’t been kidding about eating her out. Right now he was consuming her as if he’d never tasted pussy before. She shook from the tips of her toes to the pit of her belly, her nerves stret

ching tight while she leaned far forward into Cale’s wet strokes. She grappled for Tony’s hand, clutching it against her hip.

“I’ve got you.”

With those soft words in her ear, she gave in to what she needed. Sought it with every fiber of her body. She widened her stance, pressed her toes into the firm cushions. Arched to meet the wave that didn’t threaten to drown her, but seemed to rise up from the very depths of her soul, obliterating everything in its path.

Cale emerged from between her thighs with a smug smile that made her laugh even while she fought the residual shudders from her climax. “Wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“Your mouth’s right up there with a top-of-the-line Hoover, so that’s a no.” She grinned. “Not bad.”

Tony’s arms came up around her and he kissed the side of her throat, his lips oh so warm. “I swear, a guy could get drunk just off watching you come.”