“Oh yeah? What’s—” Her cell rang in her purse and she cursed, wishing she’d remembered to turn it off. Now she had to look. “Excuse me,” she muttered, jerking the phone to her ear.

Before she’d even said hello, a hiss of air exploded over the line followed by a high-pitched whine. “How could you do this to me?”

She covered her opposite ear to try to hear better. Though it was much quieter up here, there were still way too many people talking and laughing. And moaning. “Leigh?”

“Who else?”

Marcia frowned and checked the time. A quarter to ten. “What’s wrong? And how did you get my number?”

“From your damn brother.”

“Oh yeah, you’re on the date.” Marcia grinned. “How’s it going?”

“Not too well, considering I’m in the bathroom about to rip out my hair. He’s so egotistical!”

“Well, yes, Adam has a healthy sense of self-esteem. He’s a good guy, really he is. He just likes talking about himself sometimes.”

“Sometimes? For the past hour he’s alternated between staring at my breasts, talking about his old track and football days and bragging about his latest land deals. He’s a complete boor.”

“Invite him back to your apartment. That’ll shut him up.”

“Yeah, that’s another thing. I live with my aunt. He’s staying with Spencer. So even if I wanted, for some godforsaken reason, to see if any part of him is worth investigating further, someone would be right down the hall. Not going to happen.”

Marcia tightened her fingers around her phone. Man, this advice business was harder than it seemed. But she wasn’t giving up without a fight. “Don’t panic. You can go over to my place.” She winced and plugged her ear as the couple to her right started groaning enthusiastically. “Adam knows where I hide my spare key. I have a stash of condoms in my medicine cabinet. Oh, and lube. If—”

“Oh my God, Marcia, are you serious? You really think I’m going to borrow your condoms and lube to have sex with that dud?” Before Marcia could reply, Leigh screeched the answer. “Hell no. I’m getting a piece of Rardin’s raspberry pie to go—though I bet that won’t be any better than the meal—and then I’m out of here. I’m sorry, I know you tried to do me a favor. But he’s just…ugh!” The line disconnected.

“Great.” Marcia sighed. “Fucking great.”

Cale laughed as she lowered her phone. “Problem?”

“Just fits with the rest of the night so far.” She glanced over her shoulder. Where the hell was Tony?

Her cell went off again. She groaned when she saw Adam’s number. Time to listen to her baby brother rant and rave. He didn’t do it often but when he did, it wasn’t pretty. “Yeah?” she snapped into the phone.

“Marsh, I owe you big-time.”


“Leigh is just…wow. Wow. She’s hot as hell.”

Marcia pursed her lips. Yep, she hadn’t expected this. “So you’re getting along okay?”

“Well, she hasn’t said much yet but yeah, I think so. She has this wide-eyed thing going and it’s a real turn-on. It’s like she can’t get enough of what I’m saying.”

She let out the laugh she couldn’t hold back any longer. God, Adam was making her feel like a relationship expert. At least she could tell when her date wasn’t enjoying things. “That’s excellent. You kids have fun, okay?”

She hung up and shook her head as she dumped her cell in her purse. “Seriously clueless,” she said under her breath.

“I’m afraid to ask what’s going on,” Cale said, still drawing patterns on her thigh.

“Me too,” Tony added, dropping down on the couch beside them.

He held something other than a drink. Namely, a large, ridged, glass dildo that he pulled out of a paper bag as if he were performing a magician’s trick.

Marcia forgot Leigh and Adam so fast that she almost heard a whooshing sound in her ears. “Whoa. Is that for me?”

“It’s sure not for us.” Tony leaned forward to draw the tip along her puckered lips. “So who was on the phone?”