For weeks she’d been toying with ideas. She’d tried looking for groups of skill sets, as career coaching books always advised. Supposedly if she read between the lines, she’d see parallels between her abilities and interests that would lead her to what she was looking for. But how many times could she cover the same ground without getting anywhere? Maybe the temp agency was her best bet.

On about her thousandth pass over the list, she saw what she’d been missing.

Damn straight she was good at sex. She also loved books. One of her talents was writing informative, sometimes inappropriately entertaining project reports. Combine those three ingredients, stir and she had a fucking new career.

Or a new career in fucking, if she chose to look at it that way.

She grinned and sat back in her chair. She didn’t have to become a purveyor of sex. She could write about having lots of it instead.

Not fiction. She wasn’t built for devising erotically enhanced heroes and inexperienced heroines. No, what she was good at was giving advice. She’d always been all about straight talk. No filler, no bullshit. And in this case, she knew her subject very well.

Excitement geysered up inside her as she grabbed her pad and started jotting down her ideas. She was on the second page of notes when her cellphone went off, vibrating its way across her small kitchen table. Tempted to ignore it, she went back to scribbling. But she couldn’t resist. She peeked at the caller ID, snatching up the phone as she realized it was Tony.

“Guess what?”

He laughed in that sexy baritone that never failed to make her breasts sit up and take notice. “You’re naked and wet and planning on meeting me at the door.”

“Which door? Yours? Mine?”

“Actually, swing by Cale’s tonight. I’m heading up there after I get done at Kel and Spencer’s.”

“Up and Cale. Now those are two words that rarely go together.”

“Funny girl. If you show up naked, we know he’ll be up for plenty.”

She frowned. There

Tony went again with the jokes about Cale wanting her. They seemed to pop up pretty often lately. Sometimes she wondered if there was more truth behind his teasing than he was letting on. As lifelong best friends, Cale and Tony shared everything. Did that extend to women too?

Thoughtfully she glanced at her notepad. She’d already begun to formulate ideas about topics she would cover in her book. So far the plan was to write an advice guide for women looking to reclaim their sexuality in whatever form they chose. She’d explore all lifestyles and most of the major kinks in juicy depth.

Except there were gaps in her knowledge. Back in college, she’d experimented with girls a couple of times, so that aspect was covered. She’d oft enjoyed the benefits of having a lover younger than her by almost a decade. But orgies? Nope. BDSM or fetishes? Other than Tony spanking her now and then when he was feeling frisky, uh uh. Voyeurism sex? Another big fat no. She’d never even been to Kink, and that place was also popular among the non-kinky set for its bar and dance club. Her seemingly straitlaced brother Spence had hooked up with his girlfriend there, for God’s sake.

She didn’t intend to try everything herself. There was no need, when she could do research on the net like the next Jane. But some things were definitely doable.

Like a threesome. She’d been curious about having a ménage even before she’d met Tony and Cale. Unfortunately the opportunity had never presented itself.

Was it presenting itself now?

Now that she’d had this stroke of inspiration to write a book, she wanted her sex manual to be comprehensive. Even if she didn’t make much money, she’d have done something useful with her life, something a little shocking. She’d leave a mark that was all hers. Her brainchild, her creation.

It wasn’t as if she’d be having a legacy of children so she wanted this book to be amazing. To make sure it was, she’d have to do the, ahem, legwork to explore some of the possibilities her readership might be curious about. In a way, she’d be doing a public service she’d just happen to be paid for—please God—both monetarily and in orgasms.

Which brought her full circle to a ménage. Cale was hot. Undoubtedly. His frequent bed partners proved he had more going on than good looks as well. Despite his often irreverent sense of humor, Cale was as serious as Tony was carefree. He also happened to be a bit fickle. Though she couldn’t quibble about a man’s choices when she already had one guy and was angling how to get two.

“Marsh? You alive over there?”

Did she dare? She didn’t want to drive her lover away, even in the name of research.

Forget research. She was horny and Cale was delicious. And charming. And so very male that just one look in his ice-blue eyes was usually enough to wet her panties.

She cleared her throat to fill the silence. “I’ve decided to write a book,” she said rather than what weighed heaviest on her mind.

“You? No frigging way.”

Marcia made a face, so annoyed she didn’t even care about the wrinkles probably multiplying on her forehead. “Why is it so surprising? I helped run a bookstore.”

“Yeah, but you don’t read.”