“Sweetheart, you…” Tony took a breath and opened his eyes. “Gonna swallow?”

She nodded vigorously. Damn good thing. He’d be coming soon. So soon he didn’t know if he’d outlast his b

alls-of-steel best friend. But he couldn’t get annoyed at his current lack of control. Or maybe ever again. Not while her silky, sexy mouth was savoring every inch of him as if she’d never given him head before.

Wench. Vixen. Goddess. He’d probably call her all three before the night was through.

Just when Tony was sure no amount of times tables recited in his head would help him stave off the insistent pressure building in his balls, Cale slammed into her so hard that even Tony winced. Not Marcia. Her face contorted in utter bliss as Cale came in hard spasms that racked his body. Tony yanked his hand back just before his friend fell forward on top of Marsh.

After a moment, Cale rolled to the side. “Fuck, Blondie, you’re so goddamn hot.”

She smiled around Tony’s cock and kept working her lover like a pro. Sweet suction like hers was something a man could never forget. And from the flush of arousal darkening her cheeks, she took as much pleasure from the act as she gave.

While his frantic breathing slowed, Cale watched them. He reached up to smooth the damp blonde curls away from her face, holding her hair back so she could lean up to deep throat Tony like the devious angel she was.

“Fucking hell,” Tony stroked her clit and hoped his fingers weren’t as clumsy as they felt. “Right there. Dammit. Marsh.” Then she swallowed the head and it was over. “Hell yeah, baby,” he groaned, pushing his way into her throat until she quivered beneath him.

He couldn’t hold back the hot flood of his orgasm or his need to shove his fingers into all that tight, drenched warmth between her legs. They came together, or else she put on a good show, clasping his fingers deep inside while his cock pulsed out the last of his release. So sexy. He wanted to lick up every drop of juice that soaked into the sheets before he made her lose her mind all over again.

“Such a delicious cock you have. It’s all mine, isn’t it?” His nod drained him of the last of his strength. She laughed, sounding as light and free as a summer day. “Here, let’s get you cleaned up.” She gave him a leisurely bath with her lips and tongue before nudging Cale over so Tony had room to collapse beside them.

There weren’t words. What could they say? So much more than sex had transpired tonight and trying to give voice to it would be like trying to capture a candle flame in a closed fist. Explaining or analyzing it would only snuff out the fire quicker.

Or burn someone.

Tony closed his eyes, unable to resist the heavy weight of sleep. He felt too damn good. Comfortable. Happy.

Marcia shifted beside him and he cracked open an eyelid as she peered down at her belly then at him. “Hot? That’s the note you wrote?”

He chuckled and tucked her against him. “Pretty much sums it up, don’t you think?”

“Yes.” Though Tony had been sure he’d passed out, Cale roused enough to answer in the affirmative. “Now fucking go to sleep.”

Laughing, Marcia cuddled into Tony’s chest while he reached over to flick out the light. “Nap,” she whispered, licking Tony’s nipple. “No one’s sleeping through my fantasy.”

“Nap,” Tony agreed, wondering what his vixen had in mind for them next.

He couldn’t wait to find out.

Chapter Six

Marcia flicked her tongue against hard flesh and sighed. What a way to wake up.

“You’re incredible,” Cale whispered, drawing her into the welcoming shelter of his arms. “What’s next, Blondie?”

“Hmm, choices, choices.” She snuggled against him and delighted in the wonderful turn her life had taken. They’d given her so much tonight, not the least of which was multiple orgasms. Realizing she didn’t feel Tony’s solid warmth behind her, she glanced over her shoulder. It was still full dark outside. “Where’s Tony?”

“Went to go get some greasy food from that diner down the block.” Cale chuckled and buried his nose in her hair. “Apparently someone he knows and loves always likes a hearty meal after sex.”

Some part of her brain dinged a warning. Loves? Really? As much as she wanted to prod Cale for information, she tamped down on the urge. He probably didn’t mean anything by what he’d said anyway. “Mama Rosa’s has the best four-cheese and mushroom omelets you’ve ever had. Add some home fries smothered in ketchup and mmm.”

He laughed and reached down to rub her ass. “I’m so glad you don’t do that usual female thing and pretend you only like salad.”

“I did for a long time. Thirty-eight years plus, in fact.” She shrugged and rolled on her back. “Then I left the Nook and said what the hell. Why not eat two rolls with dinner if I wanted them? Why not skip a punishing run to walk through the park and check out the flowers?”

“Life’s too short.”

“It really is. I guess in some ways I took it too far because I still don’t have a job and I’ve had to buy bigger clothes. But you know what? I’m closer to happy than I’ve ever been. I used to hate my body.” She sighed and stared at the ceiling. Poor Cale probably regretted commenting on her lust for food. “Even when I was a size two, it wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t good enough.”