Tony sucked in a breath. He was completely nuts for her. Totally in over his head. Didn’t his presence at Kink prove that? She’d shattered his comfort zone and he didn’t even mind. Experiencing something like this with her made any discomfort worth it.

Cale shifted to straddle the bench, sliding along its length until he was lean

ing against the wall. He drew Marcia between his legs until she was nestled at the apex of his thighs. Tony waited as Cale spread her legs, using his ankles to hold her wide open. She didn’t flinch under Tony’s gaze or the gazes of the people watching them with open fascination. Instead she reached down to hold her thighs apart, offering him a glimpse of glistening pink flesh.

He’d been inside her so many times. So many nights. Every time brought new pleasures. Tonight would be new and thrilling in a lot of ways but the biggest thrill would be knowing he’d helped her live out a fantasy. He’d given her that, without strings.

Because he loved her. Plain and simple. Not a huge, complicated love that would bind and chafe like the early days of their relationship when they’d argued so much about stupid things. When jealousy and petty annoyances had fought hard with passion and often won. They’d moved beyond all that. The love that had grown in its place was steady, a deep glow rather than a flickering flame that would spurt bright and burn out fast. He had to show her how he felt…and maybe he’d even help uncover her own feelings in the process.

He hoped.

Instead of glancing at the other couples around them, Tony focused on Marcia. Though Cale held her arms, he saw only her as he shucked his jeans and boxers, tossing them on her pile of clothes. He didn’t bother with his T-shirt, which probably proved he hadn’t climbed all the way onboard with the sex club thing. But this wasn’t about the voyeurism experience as far as he was concerned. Sure, there were nude, hot women all around him, but he didn’t know them. Didn’t want to. He had all the eye candy he needed right here.

Cale slipped his hands under Marcia’s bare ass, raising her just enough to present her like an offering. Tony threw one leg over the bench and inched closer. Steam swirled in the air between them, increasing the droplets of moisture that dripped down her shoulders and off her truly magnificent breasts. He blotted a bead of her perspiration with his thumb as he sucked on her upper lip, taking his time to fully explore the soft flesh as if they’d never kissed before.

For a moment, his gaze drifted to Cale. His best friend smiled and lowered his mouth to her hair, the gentleness of his kiss saying volumes.

Tonight he would give them the gift of enjoying each other. And that enjoyment would fuel his own.

Tony kissed Marcia again, harder. “I want you.” She mumbled something he couldn’t understand.

He gripped his cock and trailed the crown down her slit, coating himself in her juice. She moaned as he slid his hand under her ass, tipping her upward so he could slip inside her, just enough to give her pussy something to wrap around. She felt so swollen and ready, her slick walls trying to draw him deeper. He fought the pull of her sex and his own need and focused on stroking the small bud that grew under his touch.

“Shit, that’s incredible,” Cale said against her hair, his attention riveted on what was happening between Marcia’s legs.

Even through the steam, Tony figured his friend could see the liquid squeezing out around his barely embedded cock, her body so pliable and wet for his that little more than a thought would propel him inside her delicious heat. Cale’s hands enveloped her breasts while he watched, his tugs on Marcia’s nipples eliciting her sharp, breathy cries.

She was so vocal in bed, his complete opposite most of the time. He knew she liked it when he talked dirty so he did his best while he inched deeper inside her, testing them both. “You like that, don’t you? Feeling how hard I am for you, knowing there’s no other woman who could do this to me. Only this pussy, only those big, beautiful eyes sucking me in.”

Though her hazel eyes gleamed with longing, he saw the worry just beneath as he rocked his cock into her snug channel. He didn’t intend to come now. If Cale wanted to fuck her here, fine. But he’d wait until they were at home. This was just an appetizer to what promised to be a very filling main course.


“Shh,” he said against her mouth, kissing her until she softened around him, her body’s tension draining away. “Just want you to come,” he added, pressing deeper. “Put on a show for them, baby. You know you want to.”

Her lids lowered, her thick dark lashes sweeping her cheeks. As if she’d been waiting for permission, she lifted her hips against him and knotted her fingers in his hair. She yanked his face closer, parting her lips for him to invade her mouth. With sexy and slow pulls on his tongue, she wreaked her own brand of havoc on his mind and heart.

He forgot where he was. Sex club? What sex club? It was Marcia he paid attention to, her supple, curvy body grinding against his, the soft rise of her belly rippling as she fought the climax he was so determined to give her.

Within moments, her wild kisses dragged him to the edge of his control. He drove deeper than he’d intended, helpless to fight the urge to bury himself in the warm, wet refuge of her body. He slid in and out, shallow pumps that made her writhe and arch, displaying her sexy breasts for anyone to see.

Cale bent down and drew her beaded nipple between his teeth. “I want her ass,” he said, the low demand causing Marcia to whimper. “Where’s that lube you said you had, Blondie?”

She opened her eyes. Her hazel irises seemed almost gold now and hazy with lust. “Purse. Floor. I think? Hell, I don’t know.” Her dizzy peal of laughter made Tony grin in spite of the fiery fists of arousal gripping his balls.

“Yeah, it’s on the floor,” Tony confirmed, wrapping his arms around Marcia when Cale disentangled himself from around her body. His best friend was still fully clothed but the pole about to bust through the front of his threadbare jeans was plenty eye-catching.

Tony didn’t mind seeing Cale naked. In college, they’d watched the occasional porno together. Naturally they hadn’t just watched. Neither of them had any bi tendencies, so being around each other in the nude was more or less like looking at themselves.

Except in Tony’s case, he wished he was as seriously endowed as Cale. He certainly didn’t lack downstairs himself but Cale put mere mortals to shame.

When Cale dispatched his T-shirt, jeans and briefs, the way Marcia looked at his nude body aroused Tony all by itself. She swallowed Cale with her eyes, her pupils enlarging as she took in the part of him that would soon be getting very acquainted with her ass.

“Whoa,” she mumbled. They all laughed. Then she glanced at Tony and sighed happily as she squeezed her pussy around his cock, her erotic version of a hug. “You’re the best boyfriend ever.”

“Glad you think so.” Tony circled her overeager nipples with his thumbs as he leaned in to nibble her swollen mouth. “You might not think so when he’s done tearing you up.”

She didn’t wince. That was Marcia. Rough sex? Hell to the yeah, she loved it and more. She didn’t say “bring it on” but her smile certainly implied it.