“Filled with dirty pictures,” Tony agreed as Cale nudged her in front of him and pushed her forward.

“You star in most of them,” she shot back.

Her lover came up beside her. “Not all of them? Need to rectify that.”

Together they made their way across the crowded dance floor and up the narrow winding staircase to a low-lit spacious room with plenty of seating and erotic art on the walls. Reggae music contributed to the relaxed vibe, as did the ease with which most people seemed to accept nudity. Marcia gulped in a breath and watched the dirty couples in particular. She could see people talking and eating—food at any rate—any day.

There were plenty of people engaged in clothed conversation but there were definite pockets of naughty. One woman rode her lover with careless abandon, her long white-blonde hair rippling down her back. His hands clenched her ass as he jerked her up and down.

Marcia grabbed her necklace and worked it through her fingers. Fuck, that was hot.

“Like what you see?” Tony asked against her cheek, his hand enfolding her needy breast.

“Mmm-hmm.” She pushed her nipple into his palm. “Big-time.”

A totally naked guy wandered past them, his full cock swinging proud. She let out a happy sigh. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

“He wouldn’t satisfy you,” Tony said, his voice confident. He still caressed her breast, more brazenly than before.

Maybe he was getting into this too? A girl could only hope.

“Neither would a six-pack and a loaded cheese pizza but that doesn’t mean I don’t crave them when I’m hungry.”

Cale laughed and motioned for them to follow as he led the way across the lounge, choosing the first door that branched off the main room. As soon as he pushed it open, sharp slaps stung the air and a woman’s brutally suggestive moan sliced through the stillness.

“Holy…” she whispered, stopping between her two guys to watch the woman bound to a cross eagerly accept the lashes from her Dom’s leather-tipped flogger. At least she was pretty sure it was a flogger. The assembled group paid no attention to the three of them, so rapt were the expressions on their faces as they collectively flinched under each of the blows.

Tony rubbed her ass, reigniting the burn from his earlier smack. “If you want to try this, we’ll have to rig something similar at home. I’m not wearing assless leather pants in public even for you, Marsh.”

She let out a laugh, covering her mouth a moment too late. Lots of annoyed faces turned their way and she whispered a hushed apology as the show resumed.

Cale didn’t seem amused. In fact, his gaze had yet to leave the woman on the cross. His stance had changed from relaxed to tense. Way tense.

Shit, did he consider this some sort of abuse? Did he not get it was consensual? He was the type of guy who’d charge into a scene like this and try to play hero.

“She wants it,” Marcia whispered, feeling more than a little slow when he arched a brow at her.

“Yeah, that’s pretty obvious. She’s about to come. If he’ll let her.”

“What do you mean if he’ll let her?”

“Orgasm denial can be a big part of a scene,” he said, his gaze skipping over her on his way back to the front of the room.

“What the hell’s that? No man can tell me when to come.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” Tony muttered, nudging her toward the door as more screams rang out. Cale followed them but he didn’t seem as though he was in any hurry.

Weird. Was he into this? If he thought she’d consent to being denied anything anytime soon, he was incorrectamundo.

“Let’s try door number two,” Cale said, again taking the lead. He opened the second door off the lounge to a long, dark hallway.

Marcia groped for Tony’s hand as the three of them moved toward the laughter behind the closed door at the opposite end of the hall. They entered a steam room hot enough to seal all Marcia’s curls for life. She didn’t startle at the sight of so many naked, writhing bodies—after what she’d seen down the hall, this seemed as tame as an amusement park—but her nipples tightened into eager peaks.

Cale headed toward a relatively deserted corner, the perfect vantage point to see most of the room. He sat down on a wide, slotted bench and spread his long jean-clad legs, taunting her with the rigid length trapped beneath well-worn denim.

“Think this will be more your speed,” he murmured, pulling her down into his lap for a hot, quick kiss. She offered her assent in the form of a soft moan, hardly cognizant of Tony sitting beside them and slipping the shoulder of her dress down to bare her skin. He pulled on the thin strap of her bra with his teeth, drawing the lacy material tight over her aching breasts until she shivered.

“How we gonna do this?” Cale asked, his gaze on hers though he spoke to Tony. “What’s off-limits?”