* * * * *

“This doesn’t seem too bad, right?” Marcia tossed back the last of her second whiskey sour and smiled at her men. If she didn’t say so herself, they were the hottest guys there.

They were also the only guys she knew, thank God. To ensure that, she’d surreptitiously called Spence from the bathroom to confirm he and Kelly weren’t planning on coming by tonight.

There was being open-minded and then there was just disgusting. Hanging out in the same sex club as your little brother definitely fell into the disgusting category.

Luckily Spence and Kelly were knee-deep in store stuff. He’d been more than a little surprised to hear she was checking out Kink. Of course he’d had to do his full Spencer thing. He’d tried—and failed—to lecture her about the possible dangers of a sex club and what she needed to watch out for. She’d shut him up by telling him the guys she’d be having a threesome with would watch out for her just fine, thank you very much.

She grinned into her drink. God, she loved annoying Spence. Despite his being almost thirty-seven, he would always be her baby brother.

“Suppose it’s okay,” Tony said as he took another swig of his beer.

Blue light spilled over the bar from the sconces high on the walls, glinting off the rows of liquor bottles and adding an otherworldly quality to the room. The music, loud and suitable for grinding up against someone, was standard for this sort of joint. She’d been bumped more than once by couples dancing their way up to grab a drink. Or a handful of someone’s ass. Hers probably still had fingerprints on it from the last guy who’d tried to grope her before noticing how very taken she was.

As a couple of men wandered past, Tony squeezed Marcia’s shoulder, discreetly staking his claim. “Least I haven’t seen any cocks,” he added.

“I know. Dammit.” She hadn’t seen much of anything yet. Anything interesting anyway. Just people drinking and dancing and the occasional overenthusiastic couple executing tongue gymnastics. So far they’d only made it a few feet past the door. The place was freaking packedon a Saturday night.

The distress in her voice made Cale laugh. “Anytime you want to change that, we’re ready and able.”

She glanced down at the bulge in his jeans while he tapped a foot on the rung around the bar. Unlike her and Tony, he was sipping seltzer. He didn’t drink, ever. He was also militant about playing designated driver when she or Tony had had a bit too much. She didn’t know why but she’d never asked. Everyone was entitled to their secrets as far as she was concerned. “So how ready are you?” she asked, letting the intensity of her stare convey exactly how ready she was.

They’d arrived. They’d seen—well, a little. Now it was past time to come.

Cale rose and cupped her chin in tense fingers, nudging her back against the equally hard male behind her. Tony’s bottle clinked as he set it down. Then he gripped her waist, guiding her bottom against his erection. His lips closed over her earlobe just as Cale’s mouth touched hers, his breath carrying a faint hint of lime from his drink.

Soft. His lips were so soft, and she hadn’t been prepared for that. Somehow his tenderness tilted this moment away from pure sex to something more. He didn’t have to be careful with her—hell, she was a sure thing—but he was. And that was so goddamn sexy.

His hold on her face tightened as he exerted gentle pressure, urging her to open to him. He didn’t have to prompt her twice. Her lips parted and he slipped his tongue inside, stroking hers with slow thoroughness.

Tony slid his arm up between her breasts and pulled her close. When his teeth razored along her neck, she shuddered and her body went limp between them, a sterling invitation for Cale to intensify his kiss.

Drawing back slightly, Cale caught her breast in his palm and squeezed. “Pretty tits,” he murmured, somehow making the word tits sound almost romantic. His voice, so low and rich, trickled through her system, increasing the juice saturating her panties.

Tony rarely dirty talked. Since she was a doer rather than a talker herself, that didn’t bother her much. But she had to admit she looked forward to Cale continuing his erotic comments, especially as he twirled her tight nipple between thumb and forefinger.

“Light pink,” he said as if drawing them in his mind from memory. “So light and delicate I’d probably bruise you if I pulled too hard.”

Could Tony hear Cale over the loud music? He was busy sucking on her neck the way she loved but she wanted him to hear everything she did, to be a part in every way. She shouldn’t have been able to hear Cale either but his lips moved against hers, branding the words on her flesh.

“Try it,” she said breathlessly, shifting her head so her lover heard her demand too. “Bet I don’t bruise.”

“She likes bruises sometimes.” Tony swished her dress over her ass so fast she actually blinked. “Don’t you?” The question was accompanied by a quick slap that reverberated straight to her pussy.

Nodding, she made a sound of acquiescence in her throat, incapable of speech. Anticipation fired inside her, blasting any hesitation away. If she visited Kink only this once, she wanted it to be the visit of her life. Whatever the cost, she would be decisive from here on out. She’d always been that way before, hadn’t she?

So what the hell had happened to her?

She’d thrown away her job, taken a step into the unknown. Fallen for a guy who was safe in many ways and dangerous for her in a dozen others. She’d sworn off falling for anyone after her disastrous divorce and for the most part, hadn’t wavered. But if any man could make her change her mind, it was Tony. Even so, she wasn’t going to be afraid of the aftermath of tonight’s actions. Whatever happened was for the best.

Now if she could only remember that.

“Let’s go check out the rest of the club,” Cale said as a woman balancing a tray of drinks nearly upended one over his shoulder. “See if we can find our own dark corner where we can watch. And participate.”

He drew his fingertip down her nose. “Got your pad, Blondie? I know you’ll want to take notes.”

“I have a photographic memory.” She was way too hot and bothered to think about writing stuff down. Hopefully she’d be able to recall some of it tomorrow.