And playing here to the fan club was one of our favorite parts of

touring. No matter how big the venues got, we found a way to have little intimate shows here where it all started.

I couldn’t let them down—even for Alex’s exceptional talent at giving me orgasms. But boy, could I use one.

I tore my mouth away and stepped back.

“Duchess.” He caught the back of my neck and dragged me back to him.


“Now.” The word was guttural and flavored with Ireland.

“No, now I have to work.”

“Why do you have to be so fucking professional?”

I laughed into his neck. “To make up for your rudeness.”

He grunted and pulled my skirt down. “Later, you’ll be screaming my name.”

I swallowed. “Promise?”

“Good thing you don’t have to sing tomorrow night, love.” He teased his way up my hip to find my hand, lacing our fingers together.

“Cocky bastard.”

He pulled me toward the door. “The bastard part is right.”

I crowded behind him at the door to cup him. “And you do have an exceptional cock.”

He glanced over his shoulder. “Keep it up and I’ll lock this door and keep you busy until the meet and greet is over. I sure as fuck don’t need to share you with five-hundred people.”

I nipped his ear. “More like six.”

“For fuck’s sake.” He opened the door and growled at the duo of black-garbed security personnel.

“Sorry, Pete.” He was one of my usual guys.

His face didn’t betray any emotion. I was fairly sure Noah trained them not to. “No problem, Miss York. Mrs. Crandall is looking for you.”

“Great.” I tried to pull my hand from Nash, but he held tighter.

“We’ll go together.”


The Brooklyn Bowl was a smaller venue. It had always been one of my favorites when I’d still been a nobody soaking up every concert I could find with Jamie.

We cut through the alleyway and met up with Jamie and her disgruntled trio of guards. Noah wasn’t messing around tonight. We didn’t actually need three guards—things weren’t that bad. At least I was pretty sure they weren’t. But Jamie was very adept at losing her detail.

She spotted me and perked up. “Yo, bitch.”

I shook my head. “Hey, Jame.”

Jamie gave Nash a long, slow perusal. “Looking like a snack tonight, Al.”

Nash stiffened. He still wasn’t sure what to make of Jamie’s confrontational sexuality. I knew she did it just to push his buttons—she enjoyed making everyone uncomfortable, but especially Alex as of late. Oh, and Noah. Couldn’t forget that bit of insanity brewing.