Her head came up, her expression dazed. “You wrote this? It’s incredible. Is it going to be on the album?”

“I don’t know about that.” I scratched the back of my neck. “You’re the only one who’s ever seen it so far.”

“I’m honored. Truly. Will you sing it to me? And play Vicki?”

“Sure. You’re not upset it’s not, well, romantic?”

“Honestly, I thought it might be an ode to the color pink, so I’m actually overjoyed.” She giggled as I pinched her hip.

“You wanted to know what’s already named for you?” I grabbed her hand and brought it to my chest.

She gave me a sly smile. “Here I thought you’d say your dick.”

“Hmm. In retrospect, maybe that would’ve been better. I’ll learn as I go along” I drew her into my arms. “You own both. Lock, stock, and Daisy.”

“Since we’re confessing things, I didn’t really quit the tour.”


“I planned to. It wasn’t a stunt. But when I got fired today, I decided I wasn’t going to lose the job I’d always dreamed of just because you were a cocktoast.”

“Jamie?” I asked.

“Who else?” She shrugged. “But the band is becoming my family. Every last crazy one of them. Finally, I found my place. With them,” she rubbed her thumb over my knuckles, “and with you.”

I released a long, grateful breath. She’d given me a second chance.

Or maybe a fiftieth.

I wasn’t going to waste it.

“I was a cocktoast. And a prick. And many other things you’ve probably called me before and since.” I tipped up her chin with my finger. “Let me make it up to you for the next fifteen thousand days.”

Slowly, she smiled. “For a start.”



Two weeks later

Another week, another band meeting.

I was so fucking happy I didn’t care.

Cooper poked the pad I was doodling on. “So, I’m guessing that means your reconciliation went well? My sister said that French movie was good for sex tips. Which, gross, but I guess she was trying to help.”

I grinned. “Sex is the one thing I actually didn’t need help on.”

That wasn’t entirely true. But let’s just say Daisy and I were doing our research together and making up for lost time.

She was probably still recovering right now.

“Doubtful, but Daisy has been humming every time we’ve seen her this week, so you must’ve at least found her clit.” Jamie leaned across the table to slap my hand. “Good job, stud.”

I hadn’t sneaked out on her. I’d awakened her just to make her coffee and heat up a croissant—she liked those—and to tell her that I was absolutely not running away, I just had a band meeting and would be back afterward.

After I’d said it three times, she’d pushed me out the door and shut it in my face.