It sucked that Oz was truly exceptional at that one thing, but I still had a vibrator and good fantasy fodder. Somehow getting off to him when he had no clue was poetic justice. Probably a little twisted, but hey, a spurned woman had to take the good with the bad.
Once I arrived at Ever’s, I followed her directions to a T. I ended up in the small bathroom, staring down at a collection of Trinity’s hair products and a used condom in the garbage can.
That had better not be my sister’s. I was going to kick her ass. Why, I didn’t even know. She was being responsible. It just wasn’t fair she was ge
tting some and I wasn’t, although I probably wouldn’t lead off with that in my speech.
Before I lit into my sister, I listened to the voicemail greeting again and realized I’d made a vital misstep.
Being with Oz had made me as directionally challenged as he was. Good thing he’d dumped me. Who knows where I would’ve ended up if we’d stayed together?
Sexually satiated, happily employed, and just happy period, but who was keeping score?
At least I hadn’t given my notice. I was keeping my dream job and ditching the male baggage.
Yay vibrator.
I retraced my steps according to Ever’s directions and frowned down at the chair in front of the window. The Mötley Crüe keychain made my heart kick hard, but this time, there were only two keys on the chain. One labeled J and one labeled D.
My head started to spin so I dropped my bag and sat down on the floor to wait for the ground to not feel like it was about to crumble beneath me.
J was for the truck. Oz’s truck. He’d done this? But what was the D for?
I turned the truck key over. Red tree.
What the hell? I scrambled to my feet again and gripped the windowsill, bumping my forehead against the glass as I looked in both directions. Sure enough, Oz’s truck sat in a spot just up the street, underneath a tree with oddly red leaves.
I’d never noticed that tree before, but now I would never forget it.
Damn Oz.
I picked up my bag again and ran into the bathroom to fuss with my hair. My makeup was still intact, and my hair was a little crazy from the humidity, but nothing a few spritzes from one of my magic sprays couldn’t fix. I washed my hands a couple of times, just to buy myself a moment or two to settle.
To not jump out of my damn skin.
I hated that I missed him so much. That I craved him more than any drug I’d ever tried. And he was every bit as dangerous. Not to me physically, but to my heart.
If any man could break me, it was Oz. He’d already tried to do it once.
Hell, twice. First at the funeral, then leaving me alone in bed.
Third time was not going to be the charm.
I debated changing my clothes before deciding that he was going to get me as I was. Sweaty, coffee-stained, mad, and uncomfortably horny. Even the yearning side of me was already trying to poke out her head like a shoot through cracks in the sidewalk. Just so I could get trod on again?
Nope, not this time.
I slicked on my expensive red lipstick and tossed my bag over my shoulder. If he had something to say, I would hear him out, but I wasn’t going to swoon at his feet. He was getting a full dose strength of the real Daisy.
On the way out the door, I went back for my vibrator. It was a new model, large enough I could probably use it as a weapon if need be.
I didn’t know why I took it with me. Maybe as a reminder he’d been dismissed? Possibly.
Most likely, I was not in the right frame of mind to have this conversation, what with having sticky thighs not from good sex, bad sex or any kind of sex at all, but from burnt coffee that had tried to get into my panties and had partially succeeded.
I slammed Ever’s door behind me as I sent her a quick text.
I don’t know how he got you to do his bidding, but you can warn him on my way.