Denver flashed a wolfish grin. “Sometimes. However, missing Hawaii was pretty fucking rude.”
I pressed my lips together.
“Rock-climbing three days before you’re supposed to leave wasn’t the best idea, chick.”
Leave it to Jamie to tell it like it was. I shook my head.
“Your idea,” Denver muttered.
“Yeah, after the wedding, idiot.” But Jamie softened it by looping her arm around Denver’s shoulders.
Denver winced at the not-so-gentle squeeze, but she leaned into it. She and Jamie got along well since neither of them chased the glam and makeup part of girlhood like most of us on the tour. In fact, Jamie had given Denver the details on where to go climbing. Both of them lived for that adrenaline kick.
I patted Denver’s arm gently. “Well, we’re just glad you’re all right.”
“I did get to make Ry wear a nursemaid outfit for a week, so all wasn’t lost. And we found interesting ways to enjoy our time alone.”
“Ugh, please don’t put those thoughts in my head.” Molly flipped her phone back and forth by the finger loop on her case. “Can we please get out of this hallway? It smells like dirty socks.”
I laughed. “You’re not wrong.”
“The guys keep sending me pictures of the penthouse bar.” Molly flicked through screens on her phone and showed off a picture of a sparkly chandelier and lush purple velvet booths. “It’s absolutely decadent.”
Jules did a little wiggle and bump against Molly. “I am so excited to have a night out. Tristan wanted to play with a new recipe so he was more than willing to chill with Josh tonight.”
Molly flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Well, you’ll be in trouble. Ethan’s playing mixologist, I hear.”
Jules moaned. “He makes the best drinks. And usually ones that make this mama a bit feisty. Maybe I’ll have to lure Tris out of the suite. Our nanny is always bitching we never go out together alone.” She dug out her phone.
I laughed. I really loved having these guys on the road with us.
Molly tugged down the little stretchy dress she was wearing. “I dressed to impress my boys. May this evening be as epic as the show was tonight.”
“Now who’s being braggy?” Denver stuck out her tongue.
Molly gave her a serene smile. “My boys like to indulge me, what can I say?”
Molly enjoyed the finer things attached to being a rockstar. I remembered when that kind of thing had mattered to me. But then again, it was still all fun and shiny for Warning Sign. They were more family than just a new band these days.
There had been a lot of trauma and heartache in their short time together, but things seemed to be really good between all of them now. Marriages, engagements, and even babies. They were a tight unit and I had no doubt they would be headlining on their own by their next album. It would definitely be our loss.
But for now, we had plenty of time to enjoy them. We had a few more months left on this leg of our tour and I’d spoken with Lila a few times about extending their contract as long as they were amenable.
Jamie and Denver were talking about some truly terrifying details of hand-gliding, so I hung back with Elle. “Where’s the rest of our idiots?”
“The rest of your guys already headed back to the swanky penthouse bar.”
Oz had kidnapped Teagan, but I’d as
sumed they would wait for me. Guess the lure had been way too appealing. “What did they do, sprint?”
“Just about.”
I peered around our group of revelers. “Where’s Mal? He doesn’t usually let you out of his sight.”
Elle twisted a lock of dark hair around her finger. She changed the color even more than Jamie did. “He and Michael had to do a video call to the farm in New York before it got too late. I told them I’d meet them after your show.”
“Everything all right?”