I lifted my arms at the snapped order. I was the alpha when it came to the stage, but backstage Darcy and Genie ruled.

She unzipped the back and Jamie twisted me around to view the evidence. “What the hell?”

“Had a nice day and did the picnic thing.”



hopped down from the little bastardized workout block Genie used for fittings. Thank God I’d already had my makeup done so the bruises on my throat weren’t showing. Handily, Genie had a don’t ask, don’t care policy. “I wasn’t naked.”

My throat closed around the lie. Having bands in my hair didn’t count as clothes, last time I checked.

“Really, because there are no string lines there, sister.”

“What are you, my mom?”

Jamie flinched. “No. Whatever. You do you.” She twisted on her booted heel and sailed out of the room.


“You are hella pink. Pull your front down and I’ll put on my miracle gel.”

I didn’t bother fighting with her. She knew every inch of my body anyway. Besides, I did feel a lot better after she put it on. Which was good, because I had a minimum of two hours of running around to deal with.

Luckily, Genie not only didn’t ask questions, she also didn’t give a fuck if I had hickies. She hadn’t even raised an eyebrow. This was just a gig to her. End of story.

I resisted the urge to go after Jamie. She would be in a snit for days. It would be better to be honest and take the hit, but it still felt too big. Too much mine to share.

After Nash’s actions in the car, I didn’t really know what to think. Maybe the week had just been all we would be. Though that didn’t feel right either.

I so didn’t need that in my head right now. Yet no matter how many times I shoved him out, he came right back.

“Dream On”, for fuck’s sake. Of all the songs, they had to pick that one? My luck.

I waited patiently for Genie to fix my zipper one last time before she left. People knew I needed a warmup alone and I wasn’t too proud to demand it.

Label me a diva, I didn’t give a shit.

Once I was alone, I did my usual exercises. After so many years of singing, I knew what I needed to do for prep. Especially since I hadn’t gotten the week’s worth of rest I’d been looking forward to.

In fact, my voice was a bit huskier than usual thanks to all the damn screaming I’d been doing. Thanks, Alex. But it would have to do.

I got the usual notices from Darcy and my staff about the countdown. I checked my phone once more before I turned it to do-not-disturb and found a weird voicemail waiting for me.

It was muffled, indistinct. I could barely make out what I was hearing. It sounded like…background noise? I didn’t have time to replay it now in any case.

I didn’t recognize the number. I had both of Nash’s numbers already programmed into my phone.

Always went back to him. Except sometimes it didn’t.

I tucked it into my bag and shook off the distraction.

No time for that now. I had work to do.


Fuck yeah, we were doing it.