a like a branch.

“Just a squirrel probably.” Her voice was soft. Unconcerned. As if she intrinsically understood that being interrupted here and now was a bigger violation than if we’d been observed during sex.

As much as those moments with her had meant, the value of this was immeasurable.

I reached down to take her hand. “Let’s go for a walk.”


Alexander Nash was holding my hand.

It was crazy that this particular gesture rocked me more than even having sex with him. But he was male, and for most of them, dipping their dick meant about as much as changing their underwear. Holding hands was most likely just as insignificant for many people.

But Alex? I couldn’t imagine him squeezing my fingers unless I was about to bleed out.

Yet here we were, crossing Logan’s endless property, not speaking, not looking at each other. Headed who knows where.

Holding hands.

The yoga mat tucked under my arm was making me itch. Unless that was just nerves. I knew how to banter with him, even when it took on a nasty edge. That was our usual spiel.

This was foreign territory.

I’d already finished my water and looked longingly at his, tucked in his sweats pocket. But I was afraid to break the spell of silence.

Eventually, we came upon a small waterfall. The water tumbled and dipped over rocks before spilling into a basin filled with even more rocks and surrounded by pussy willows and a variety of plants and flowers I couldn’t identify.

I shielded my eyes with the side of my hand. I should’ve thought to bring sunglasses, but it had still been close to dark when I’d ventured outside. “Did you know this was here?”

“Logan mentioned it once. I never thought to go looking for it, but now that the mortals are stirring, figured might as well.”

“You think there was someone watching us?”

His jaw worked. “Didn’t say that. But if they are, I’m not going to make it easy for them.” He glanced down at me. “No shades?”

“No.” I felt like an idiot. Who forgot sunglasses on a day predicted to be sunny?

You, when you’re running from a bad dream and need the fresh air on your skin.

He pulled off his own shades and set them on my face. I batted away his hands, but he would not be swayed. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if he ever let loose with his true strength. Beyond him pulling my hair, that is.

Despite the growing heat, I shivered.

“You’re shivering? It’s gotta be seventy-plus out here.”

“It wasn’t that kind of shiver, wiseass.”

His eyebrow arched. “Really? From sunglasses?”

I swatted at him and he shook his head at me as he took out his bottle for a drink.

“Thirsty?” he asked after a moment. Although I was sure he wasn’t up on current lingo, his smirk made me wonder.

“For your liquid.”

“Oh, I just bet.”

I ignored him and snatched the bottle out of his hand, draining the last of the water. I was sweating like a bitch and obviously seriously dehydrated. “Thanks.”