Kyle was down there. I couldn’t stop staring at his legs. Their horrible angle in the pale yellow of my security lights.

“Lindsey!” My voice was a shout and she was there with me. My anchor as always.

Jamie clawed her way up my arm to my shoulder, and we hauled her back to our side. To safety. We landed in a pile together, my back scraped to shit on the stairs as we curled into a huddle.

Jamie was shuddering silently as Lindsey wrapped her arms and legs around her. I didn’t know what else to do, so I held them both.

A life for a life.

Dear God.

I bowed my head over Lindsey’s angel-bright hair in the darkness and held on to her. So much lost and so much found. The wreckage of secrets like shrapnel around us.

The bullhorn of a police officer from the ground made me just grip the two women tighter. I could only imagine what they’d do to my home to get inside, but the only thing that mattered was they were safe.

They were alive.

“Baby, tell me you’re okay.”

Lindsey nodded, but didn’t let go of Jamie.

One moment, it was simple night sounds. The sirens were off, save for the twirling lights bouncing off the buildings below. Just the earthy dampness of my plants and the night-blooming flowers I’d added all over my oasis. Sniffles had subsided to quiet breaths.

Then it was chaos.

Cops and paramedics came up the freight elevators. Police officers ran up the wrought iron stairwell.

“Jesus, did they call in the cavalry or what?” Jamie’s voice wasn’t quite as biting as usual, but it was nearly there.

“What did you say on the phone?” Lindsey whispered.

“That the freak from the MSG kidnapping was on the roof.”

I laughed. “God, you are something, Jamie.”

“Damn right. We saved the day, huh?” She gave Lindsey a sly smile. “Us bitches rule.”

“You certainly do at that.” And I was forever grateful for what she’d done. I wasn’t sure what would have happened if she hadn’t been there. If it had been Lindsey on that ledge.

Sweet Christ.

Two female paramedics crouched down in front of us. “I’m Diane.” She had a no-nonsense blond ponytail. “This is my partner, Kim. We’re going to make sure you’re okay and then you can talk to the police.”

Lindsey leaned into me as Jamie shook her off and stood.

“Miss, I need to check your vitals,” Diane said.

“I don’t need a damn stretcher, and if you put that

pressure cuff on me I’m going to wrap it around your neck.”

“She’s going to be fine.” Lindsey turned into my arms and pressed her face to my chest. “I’m so sorry, Alex.”

“I lost him long ago, duchess.” I winced. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to call you that anymore.”

“Don’t you dare stop. Don’t let him take another thing away from us.” Her blue eyes blazed up at me. “Promise me.”

I kissed her forehead. “I promise.”