I took a deep, cleansing breath. “I won’t put my fears on you. That’s not fair. You’ve a gift, and you have every right to share it. You’re a light in this world, Lindsey, and there are so few right now.”

She curled her fingers into my palm. Nestling them tight.

“I just wish I could stand between you and anything that might harm you. I want you to be safe. Happy. You deserve nothing less.”

“You make me happy.” She leaned her head on my chest, right over my heart. I knew its fast, staccato beat was all too audible for her ears.

Then she glanced up at the stone arch above us. “Shopping makes me happy.”

I laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her toward the doors. “Then let’s shop.”

The afternoon passed in a blur of stores, some vast with endless floors, some small and kitschy in Soho. She didn’t buy like a rockstar. I’d fully expected to be laden down like a moving clothing rack within an hour, but she barely bought anything.

Other than lingerie.

She bought that by the truckload. Some she even modeled for me where I lingered in dressing room doorways, glaring down any foolish salesclerks who dared to question my presence. After a look from me and a flash of the platinum card Lindsey wouldn’t let me use, they scurried back where they’d come from.

I’d never guessed lingerie came in so many styles and colors. So many barely there fabrics. I soon realized there was a reason each thing she tried on became more and more scanty.

She was trying to lure me into one of those narrow dressing rooms surrounded by mirrors. Trying to see just how far she could push me.

Never a smart bet.

We were in a high-end boutique when she tried on an innocuous sundress. It was pale blue with a swishy skirt with tiny daisies.


“Do you like it?” She flipped the skirt and turned to face the mirror in the little hall outside her dressing room.

In response, I flipped off the light switch and let the door slam shut behind me. A flick of my finger and the tiny lock in the doorknob turned.

She whirled, panic flaring in her eyes for an instant before it smoothed into lust.

We didn’t speak as I gripped her by the throat and pushed her against the mirror. She reached up with both hands to cup my face, pulling my mouth to hers.

“Finally,” she gasped.

It made no sense to be this hungry for each other mere hours after being together. Nothing was ever enough.

Her mouth bruised mine as she fought to keep up with the pace I couldn’t have slowed if I tried. Knowing this would be the last—had to be the last—time before her show tonight made me crazed.

I tugged up her little dress, pushed aside her thong, and found her pussy. After a quick swipe of my fingers, I sucked on them, watching her all the while. Slowly, I pushed them into her, only to discover she hadn’t needed the extra help.

We were on the same fucking page.

She yanked on my hair, knocking off my cap. Not touching the sunglasses I hadn’t removed even inside. Our noses bumped and teeth clashed as I streaked my thumb over her clit, circling endlessly while she rocked into my strokes.

“Not enough. Not enough.” She bit my lip and I tasted the fresh bloom of blood. It only made me more insane. “No time for that.”

I drew my hand away and hoisted her up onto my hips, backing her into the mirror. Even in the dim glow of the small security light left on above the door, she was so goddamn beautiful I could barely breathe.

I shoved my damp thumb between her teeth when she threw her head back on an impatient cry as I fumbled with my zipper and somehow managed to free my cock. Desperate times.

So goddamn desperate.

Tugging her thong out of the way, I filled her in one deep thrust, letting out a groan of my own as I sank home.

Somehow she’d become it so quickly that my head reeled.