“Right.” He relaxed his defensive posture. “Kagan’s wife. It seems like a million years ago, but it wasn’t that long ago.”
“Add in the problems with Oblivion and Warning Sign’s previous tour…” I sighed. “There’s a lot to be anxious about.”
“And yet you are resistant to extra security.”
I lifted my chin. “That was the past and isolated incidents that didn’t pertain to us.”
“If even a small amount of danger touches you, it’s enough. I’m one-hundred percent on board with his level of security.”
I didn’t really want to go over it yet again. Damn alpha males thinking they knew what was best. And it wasn’t even because I was a woman. I literally had a trio of men in my band who were more than capable of handling themselves.
Cooper was a former Marine, Zane had grown up in the surfing community near one of the most dangerous areas of the California coast, and Oz was…Oz. He had enough demons to keep most people at a safe distance. Well, unless they were aiming to get naked with him.
He attracted women like concentrated nectar.
I might have been immune to it, but most women certainly were not.
The doors opened smoothly. The entire floor had a wall of windows, showing off a 360 degree view of the city. Donovan’s office was also all windows in the fancy tint I knew all too well. I’d outfitted both my homes with the special glass that was privacy and security rolled into one.
A trim woman of indeterminate age rose from a desk in front of Donovan’s glassed-in office. Her cap of icy gray hair was cut close to her face with a perfect swing of straight hair. I envied the smooth perfection of it. Without our wardrobe and hair crew, I was messy curls and freckles galore.
And right now, I wished for a little of my makeup and styling. It always felt like I needed a bit of polish before I saw Donovan, but it couldn’t be helped right now.
She smiled at me. “Miss York, thanks for calling ahead. I cleared some time with Mr. Lewis. I was unaware you were bringing a…colleague.”
“Hear that, duchess? It’s better than the names she usually uses for me. Nice to see you, Bea.”
“Mrs. Vernon to you, Alexander.”
Nash stiffened next to me. It was rare for Nash to have anyone mention his Christian name. I started using it to get to him, but now it was just part of us. I didn’t want to be like all the rest when it came to this twisty, private man.
Donovan opened the floor-to-ceiling glass door. “Lindsey, thanks for coming. That’ll be all, Bea.”
She inclined her head but shot Nash a scathing glance before returning to her desk.
“Must you antagonize everyone?”
Nash gave me a wolfish grin then stretched his arm out for me to go ahead.
Donovan held the door for us both and closed it behind us. “Nice to see you, Nash.”
“Lewis.” He stood along the side of the trio of
chairs in front of Donovan’s massive desk. New York City sprawled behind him.
Instead of taking a seat behind the desk, Donovan sat on the corner, his hands clasped in front of him. He wasn’t quite the buttoned-up suit I was used to. His jacket hung on his chair, and the cuffs of his gray shirt were folded back over surprisingly strong forearms.
“Have a seat, Lindsey.”
It was reactionary, but I wanted to stand. However, that was just me being bitchy. Maybe Nash was rubbing off on me. I sat down and crossed my ankles, tucking my knees to the side. My spine was straight as an arrow. “Since I’m in town, I thought it was better to do this face to face.”
“I agree. And I appreciate it.”
“First of all, I’m thankful for your quick attention to this. I know I’ve been reticent to bring a full security team on board.”
Donovan gave me a placid stare, but didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to. I was well aware of his feelings on the subject. Not that Donovan said much. He usually waited for people to talk themselves into corners or into doing what he wanted.
Lila was much the same.