“Why? It’s not your fault.”

He cupped my cheek. “I don’t like it.”

Ignoring the warmth in my chest was getting harder to do. “And I wasn’t wild about your radio silence this week.”

“It was a shite week. I’m having trouble with Matthias. He’s having personal issues.”

“That’s an excuse, and you know it.”

He tugged me against him. If we got any closer, I was going to be part of his damn skin. The hardness of his thighs, his solid chest, even the bulge that never quite lessened when we were together—all of them were playing dirty with my emotions. “You scare the fuck out of me, duchess. On more than one level. I’m trying to get my head around us.”

“You’re not the only one, you know.”

“I’m glad you’re here so I can see you for myself. Know that every hair on your gorgeous head is intact.”

“Remains to be seen. You do like to pull it.” I eased back and tucked my fingers into his hand. “Now can you feed me?”

His gaze drifted to my mouth.

“Food, Alex.”

“Yeah, food.” He laced our fingers together and brought them up to nip at my wrist. “I’m driving.”

“Handy. I don’t have a license.”


I shrugged. “I have George. He tried to teach me, but it ended up more like that scene from Clueless. He gave up pretty quickly.”

“I don’t really know that reference, but I can imagine it includes much screaming?”


He shook his head with a long-suffering sigh.

I grabbed a light jacket on the way out the door. As I was locking up, he caged me in. “You won’t be back tonight.”

My skin heated and a whole new set of nerves jangled inside me. “Is that right?”

He nipped at the sensitive skin behind my ear. “I need you under me tonight. So, tell that behemoth you call a driver you won’t be home. I don’t want the cops knocking down my damn door.”

I didn’t really take anything with me other than my phone, which wasn’t like me at all. I normally had a huge bag on me at all times. As usual, around Nash I didn’t do my typical things.

For once, I wasn’t going to worry about it. I had two days before I had to be back on tour.

Maybe we’d come back so I could pack a bag. Or maybe we wouldn’t.

Go with the flow was my new motto. At least for tonight.

He opened the car door for me, and I settled in the oversized leather seat. I took out my phone and quickly dashed a text off to George, as well as one to Jamie.

Having a cop on Nash’s ass wasn’t nearly as intense as having a Jamie. Seemed safer.

When he got in, I fastened my belt. “Does this mean you’re taking me to your secret lair?”

He gripped the wheel, the leather squeaking under the pressure. “Yeah. If that’s all right?” he asked gruffly.

Now he asked. Typical. I was curious enough to see the ultra-private residence of one of the most infamous hermits in the industry that I didn’t call him out on it.